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He is funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and handled by the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former US Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to foment a revolution there; and Frank Cole, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews have owned Russia since 1917. W ith the current Russian sanctions regime taking its toll on the country's coffers, the Kremlin is increasingly finding new ways to . The Bank of Russia has defended its independence after Friday's surprise cut in interest rates raised concerns about the influence of the Kremlin, industrialists and bankers over the central . p154, In 1948,1st Oct., Mao Tse Tsung declares the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina. Because Hitler was throwing the usurious Jews out of Germany. On setting the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against the Russian ruble. He cant govern from another bloody country! We like that Ukrainian grandmother going up to the Russian soldiers and giving them sunflower seeds to carry on their pockets. The Greater Israel idea envisions the creation of a number of allied states around Israel. These, along with Togarma himself, are the names prominent in Ezekiel 38 and 39, where we find them invading the land of Israel (Ezekiel 38:3, 6). New York and Paris..used to be THE place to beNow SLUMS !!!! OK , ask yourself how many military resources Russia still has in Kazakhstan. bartoll.se expounds on the theatre of war.. The best way out of this dangerous mess would be partition into pro and anti-Russian zones. The territory now called The Ukraine was once the heart of the Khazar/Chazar Kingdom. Feeding Christians, Muslims (or other innocent civilians) to the lions always works to entertain the blood hungry masses. p105, In Sep 1920 10th edition of The American Hebrew, it is stated: The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. Algeria: Bank of Algeria. He is also cleaning up the evil in Ukraine now. The fourth tier is the central banks (all owned by the Rothschild family) ex: central Bank of London, Vatican Bank, and Federal reserve, just to name a few. Or as more commonly stated today, New World Order. It tells the story of a poor man from the Italian town of Bergamo working for a local nobleman. The 1790 First Act / 2A Americans get the Ukrainians. Putin: Im not going to list everything, all that matters is we have modernized our military-industrial complex and we continue to develop new generation warfare. Invasion! I thought I was the only Australian aware of international Jewish banksters (and their puppets in governments in financial circles in UK, US, France, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc) plan for world domination and only Hitler, and now Putin, stood in their way. OD-54, dated 17 January 2023 'On the list of foreign currencies for which the official exchange rates against the ruble are set by the Bank of Russia'. The only countries left in 2018 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba. The Story of the Commonwealth Bank. https://ericmargolis.com/2022/03/muddling-the-way-to-war/, Half-Hearted Sanctions Against Russia Have Already Failed Rothschild & Cie Banque, a French bank belonging to Rothschild Group, offered its service in the capacity of go-between in the talks of Ukraine's Ministry of Finances and creditors on restructuring the debt. Indeed, Russias central bank was established by the former Russian Emperor Alexander II in 1860, originally named State Bank. Massive demonstrations across Central Europe against Vlads war in the Ukraine. )., You bet Kev, when the duopoly starts banging the CO2 drum during the election campaign it will spectacularly That means we were right when we said that they are lying to us. The demonstrations started when Vlad started shelling Kiev. He is impressed and vows to continue to supply funds to these colonies in furtherance of a long-term Rothschild objective of creating a Rothschild owned Jewish state. So here we are today and theyve placed their missile defense system in Romania always saying we must protect ourselves from the Iranian nuclear threat. ROTHSCHILD OWNED & CONTROLLED BANKS: Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan. Sudan. https://www.realhistorychan.com/banned-books.html. In 1864, president Lincoln became aware of the Russian Tsar's problems with the Rothschild's attempt to subvert the government and institute a central bank under the guise of communism. And from that moment on they will be able to directly threaten Russias nuclear potential. 2, Romanov lane See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. p159, In 1952, 23rd April, during a debate on immigration law, Congressman John Rankin makes the following statement to the house on the subject of the Jews, which is recorded to the House on the subject of the Jews, which is recoded in the Congressional Record. So Elvira is really under the . Iran. The following and China's temporary drop of purchases of dollars have been ignored by the MSM, but will have widespread geopolitical consequences. Change). NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virustransmission, Ex-CIA adviser says Ukraine losing badly in war againstRussia, Russian missile hits strategic 80-metre-deep NATObunker, Phones and seatbelts reap an annual $140m bonanza for Queensland Laborgovernment, The sexual decadence of Weimar Germany, nothing changed just updatedscripts. The . Putin will become the most stitched up leader in history by the kosher msm now he has upset their NWO agenda, crisscross767 FORGIVE US! The Story of the Commonwealth Bank (D.J. We know that technologies advance. The City of London still hands out orders to the Russian financial institution, with Washington watching closely over her shoulder. I always liked this short clip from a few years back, when a stern looking Putin, publicly called the Talmudists to account for their diseased Communist/Talmud ideology. A former Russian oil magnate's lawsuit to recover half of his lost $150 million fortune from the Edmond de Rothschild bank was dismissed by a judge in New York. lolol But reinstalled their most heinous proxies. The corporation owns the people from birth to death [by means of your straw man, a legal fiction and artificial entity created at birth using your name in UPPER CASE. No.6. No.5. Modern Zionism is, in fact, the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38, 39. No of course not. Lines are also drawn with the Lebanon War in 2006 and the ongoing wars in Syria and the wider Middle East., https://www.c4israel.org/news/greater-israel-from-the-nile-to-the-euphrates/. those were some very dark and dangerous days in 2016. 18:24-27]. The Jewish Encyclopedia goes on to quote from the letter (960 A.D.) written by King Joseph of the Chazars to Hasdai ibn Shaprut, to the Jewish court doctor in Cordoba, Spain. pp246-247. Did email reveal Train family as threat to MK Ultra web of control? The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist. Russia's Great Bank Takeover. Threats of Nuclear strikes can do that. You are not forgotten, he writes, and I quote from his book, so that we might know the truth for those responsible for virtually all wars, revolutions, financial debacles, and social upheavals. One has to wonder whether the Jews most holy book, the Talmud, had any influence on these Jewish paedophiles. 78 Comments. Ezekiels prophecy of the so-called Russian invasion of Israel was actually fulfilled when the Russian Jews conquered Palestine through immigration. Putin Put on (the bad guy) surely gets the same bad press as the Australian terrorist citizens would that are trying to destroy the American colonial democracy on kosher British strings. The Rothschilds are behind this from the very beginning in order to seize control of all state owned assets worldwide. Yeah, nah. Have now been locked out of Russian news sites; refused connection messages. The COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (all capitalized) government is basically a corporate instrument of the international bankers. These states include Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Sinai as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This rejection is classified as nazism. Most agree: that Communism was synonymous with Talmudism. Once the knot was tightened, the economy would struggle and choke. They whine about discrimination. are branding the Russian president as Authoritarian . This happened quietly during March 2020, and . The Russian syndicates naturally have the knives out for competing crime / corruption / Kompromat rackets. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the C.19th; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. Sydney gays terrified as Catholic men march on streets. Co-head of Russia and CIS at Rothschild Inc., who handles central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States . The bank . A recession in 1893 enhanced Morgan's power. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Rumble For more than two centuries, this rotten clan has operated at the pinnacle of the New Word Order power pyramid, Learn the TRUTH about this troubled world. Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia. The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or . If he can stand up to Vlad, then he could offload a US crime syndicate. We certainly cannot trust the mainstream media which has proven itself a cheer squad for the Globalists. To survive, Israel would have to become an imperial regional power. All rights reserved. Fri 11 Mar 2022 01.00 EST. Headline: Vladimir Putin warns Americans are in impending and grave danger as he accused the United States of lying over its nuclear capabilities and revealed Russia continues to develop new generation warfare. Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1992, it was renamed Bank of Russia. 20 February 2023. The Rothschilds want NATO out of Europe so the PRC and the Soviet Union can create Eurasia as the basis the real new world order and its world soviet. Russian President Vladimir Putin was not responsible for the nationalization of the Russian centralized bank, which took place in 1917. 4, bld. Learn how your comment data is processed. Trapped Central Banks Face Keynesian Endgame: "You Never Go Full-Krugman" WHEN PUTIN WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT of Russia in 2000, Russia was bankrupt. Russia intervened and prevented this coup from succeeding. It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. London. On 16th Nov 1933 President Roosevelt recognises the Bolshevik regime of Stalin in Russia without consultation with Congress, whilst 8,000 Ukrainians march in Protest in New York. Kiev is the birthplace of the Russian Orthodox Church with the conversion of the Grand Prince of Kiev in 988 A.D. Suckerswho is the Authoritarian?? The Story of the Commonwealth Wireless Service. Entertainment for the masses, fake heroism and plenty rivers of innocent blood soaked up by mother earth while coins are shifted to rightful money changing coffers is not something that is new. When the knot was tightened up, the economy would struggle and choke. I will wait for reports of trials, hanging and more unverified facts. New currency pairs for FX dealer clients: amendments to Basic Standard. Meanwhile big pharmas silent world war carries on , Wednesday, June 19, 2019 What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world. p106, In 1931 the US State Dept papers come to light of the following In 1917 during the Russian Revolution, M. Oudendyke, the Netherlands Minister in Russia at the time, informed various governments including Britain, France and the US of the danger of communism which he identified as overtly Jewish. In fact, modern Jews are a combination of Judah, Edom, and Khazar/Togarmah/Magog. Hopefully it will all be over. The first section of Volume IV begins: CHAZARS: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews in Russia. This is not a war of people. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It is not unusual for central bankers having dual loyalties as they constitute a club under the supervision of the Rothschild family. Recall that some 36% of Ukrainians use Russian as their native language; many want no part of Ukraine. Jews have long debated how to define a Jew, and I do not intend to get involved in that argument. Our President does not listen to us and tells the whole world that the Russian people support him. Sixty-three central banks and monetary authorities are currently members of the BIS and have rights of voting and representation at General Meetings: Bank of Algeria. How long would it take for Australian troops with the help of international PEACE KEEPERS NATO FUKUS to crush the resistance that reigns terror onto the peaceful nation? Reichstag Address, October 1, 1938 / (Read his amazing speeches in Mein Side of the Story), https://www.realhistorychan.com/anyt-02252022.html, [Poetic quote from B.M. Russia's Covid shot maker Gunzburg 'is a relative of the Rothschilds' (Business Gazette) Rothschild in the service of the KGB (Jewish.ru) Chairman of the Rothschild-affiliated Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina is a "former" member of the Communist Party Soviet Union (RUCriminal) Voice to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners objectnow! Corporate Sustainability. And the US government has also fallen to the Revolution in the manifesto of the Communist Takeover Jan 6 2021. The satellite states surrounding Israel should be subordinate and form the basis for a pax-Israelium. The Rothschild family never controlled Russia. The various arms of government are known as departments such as the Judiciary, Justice and Treasury etc, all of these departments belong to corporations. Canaanite, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker. p244, In 1999 1st October, The Rome Observer runs a story of how the Italian police have broken up a paedophile ring which had been kidnapping non-Jewish children aged between 2 and 5 from orphanages, and then raping and murdering them. From who? The bottomless depth of arrogance, hypocrisy and stupidity of the US; UK; UN; EU; WEF etc etc is astounding albeit laughable. Our services in Russia and the CIS 04/07/2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a stunning statement, the distribution of which in Ukrainian media and the Internet is banned. In 1863. Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia. Expect cyber attacks around the world to coverup anything exposing the horrors of the toxic clot shots, to be promptly blamed on Russia. Yes, old kodger. Our main interest, of course, is how to view it from a biblical and prophetic standpoint. How the Rothschilds Became the Secret Rulers of the World. Once again the USA and NATO along with it, are interfering in a place they shouldnt be. Kyiv is strategic to Putin and his team. If you look at the close interactions between the east and the globalists, this idea completely falls apart. Togarma was the brother of Ashkenaz and the son of Gomer, the son of Japheth (Genesis 10:2, 3). I did not decide to create a book it was a request of my children. The Russian state depended on alcohol taxes to remain solventit is estimated that 40% of state revenues came from alcohol sales in 1860. . In both cases, a peace-seeking but strong national leader relentlessly pushed and viciously slandered by the Globalists and their (-) henchmen in the Press was forced to make a move upon a Globalist-occupied neighboring state which was abusing his countrymen there and being used as a staging ground to menace the Homeland itself. Also working in favor of peace and justice this time around is the power of Russia itself a nation which, when Vlad the Bad came to town more than 20 years was on its knees and relatively toothless in the face of US / NATO / CIA / NGO aggression all along its frontiers and especially in the former Yugoslavia.