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My greatest accomplishment so far was finishing my Bachelor's and Master's degree in time with a 3.9 GPA. RESULTS: After three months, I could construct full sentences, and I was well on my way to getting the accent down too. The way to best accomplish this is by using the STAR method. If you want to become successful in life, you must help yourself first. A challenging process. Women at Cambridge. Achievements also provide tangible evidence that colleagues, competitors and the wider world use to judge a person as more or less successful. Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working in a team. While he had a tough time reading the words, I knew that he loved drawing and fantasy movies like Lord of the Rings. Working with a good team means open communication, high trust . How to Choose Your Greatest Achievement for Interviews: 1. My parents could not afford the tuition fees initially for me to attend college, but I knew I wanted to further my education no matter the circumstances. Regardless of how true it is, I dont really have any greatest accomplishments is just bad optics all around. Download one of our 2-page CV. SITUATION: My biggest achievement was earning money after starting a blog from scratch. Learning the best way to answer What is your greatest accomplishment? or What is your greatest professional achievement? is extremely important when interviewing with a potential employer. Task: "As a senior member of the team, I was tasked with being both the content strategist and the overall project manager. Read the full guide here: Customer Service Resume - Examples & Guide. The finance team of my organization was struggling with a project involving our . I recently moved to a different country, and the first few days were so hard because I could not understand what anyone was saying. Your answer should serve as another opportunity to talk yourself up and let hiring managers know why you should be their top choice. Check Out These Videos, 40 Strategic Interview Questions To Ask Candidates: What To Ask and Why, Maximize Your Job Search: How To Land More Interviews. The restaurant was completely packed 90%+ of the time, and we barely had any breathing room. I attribute this accomplishment to my willingness to work overtime and help out wherever needed while learning all I can about the business. The whole experience taught me how to effectively manage and prioritize my time. New graduate interviewing for an entry-level marketing job -. R: Result Was the outcome successful? Its the perfect example of a behavioral job interview question, and as a refresher, heres what you need to know when answering: Looking for more ways to prepare for your job interview? Sample Answer 6 - Living Abroad Greatest Personal Achievement. My greatest accomplishment was my promotion last year to manager. . Action. Buying your first car. Follow the STAR method as an answering format for a comprehensive reply. Graduating from high school. If you find it difficult to think of specific accomplishments, consider times that youve been recognized for your work. Some examples could be: Awards or competitions. Your greatest accomplishment could be like Gennifer's, Morgan's or Asha's or it could be completely different. And now a few full sample answers to tie all our advice together: My greatest accomplishment happened at my last role as an HR manager. Certainly it was a team effort, but I was the main man on the sales floor, helping customers to . 1. Write about the moments in your life when you felt the proudest, such as when you finished a marathon or were congratulated by your boss. The following are common types of accomplishments followed by a few more specific examples. To answer the interview question what is your greatest accomplishment?, first read the job description so that you can pick an accomplishment that aligns with the job responsibilities. Concrete examples of your work. SITUATION: My biggest managerial achievement was maximizing team effort and reducing lateness. To answer this question effectively, choose the accomplishment that best demonstrates the relevant skills and qualifications needed in the role youre applying for. Win over hiring managers with our expert tips. The following answer to "what is your greatest achievement" can help you grasp what exactly employers are looking for when they pose this key question: "I believe my greatest achievement came seven months ago in my previous job as an advertising consultant. 1st Answer Example. Task: After describing your part in the situation. Self-reflections gives you opportunity to look back on your life and see how it brought you to where you are today. RESULTS: After one month of the new demonstrations, that region was our biggest market, and our sales as a company increased by 10%. This could include the tasks you're in charge of, your position in a particular issue . No matter how you frame up your answer to this sometimes tricky question, you should have a prepared answer to maximize an opportunity to showcase why youre a good fit. Contemporary templates perfect for new job seekers or anyone looking for a fresh start. But you want to talk about something thats not just impressive to you you want it to be impressive to anyone. TASK: The only way to keep the region open was for sales to improve. Human resource experts and researches have come up with a STAR method to give an answer that is satisfactory. Here are the four parts of the STAR method: S: Situation The situation or the task that is relevant to the job description. Beating sales targets. I began my career in fast food washing dishes and worked my way up into a management role in just four years. Honesty is the best policy. If you're success-oriented and if you've gone above and beyond in your work. 27 Crisp and Impactful examples of what is your greatest achievement sample answer for freshers. SITUATION: My greatest achievement was paying for college myself. "My most significant career achievement was being the youngest person ever awarded a sales management position at my current company. A great answer includes a real accomplishment thats free of BS, includes a specific example, and is concise in a way that entices engagement from the interviewer. Thats all for this one! What are your greatest accomplishment examples? I knew automating the process would make things easier and help us close more sales. Result. Follow the tips below to ensure you mention all the relevant facts and answer the question appropriately. Sample Answer 2 - Cashier Job at a Fast Food Restaurant. This one is career-relevant and has a dollar value attached. I wanted to discover how our outreach was missing the mark, and what types of new donors we should focus on pursuing. E.g. "What is your biggest accomplishment at work?". Preparing an answer. Use a recent and relevant accomplishment. Companies . In a nutshell, you want to stick to a single example if you can unless they ask you for more and you want to make sure that this example represents the best work youve done in the past while simultaneously being an interesting story. Agent of Change (pushing change forward) Artistic Expression. What is the best answer to What is your biggest achievement?. Be concise, avoid rambling and don't lie or embellish the truth. The task that was required to be . This is your moment to really connect to the interviewer by mentioning details that are related and relevant to the company . The restaurant was completely packed 90%+ of the time, and we barely had any breathing room., Task We had to be very efficient at work to make sure that we wouldnt get overwhelmed., Action - The most important part of making this work was being proactive. What was your role in the situation? When I got to my previous company as a human resources manager, employees spent so much time on lunch breaks, which would interfere with the working hours and the teams output. I learned that they only took a long time because they had to walk a very long distance to find a place with affordable meals for their breaks. Action - I decided to start learning as much as I could about our product (a social media automation tool) by talking with the other employees when I could, and reading up on everything I could get my hands on that was related to the product. However, Im proud of the fact that I got through it and excelled. Describe the situation and in which context it happened. RESULTS: Following months of hard work and my doctor telling me hes never seen anyone recover so quickly, I lead the team in batting average. However, if you cant quantify your accomplishment, avoid the temptation to stretch the truth or claim that you did something you didnt. We raised $20,000 from that cohort by the end of the year. Beating sales targets. From sharpening resumes and elevating LinkedIn profiles to providing interview preparation and career advancement strategies, our blog is a wealth of knowledge, drawing from our extensive experience working with hundreds of clients and positively impacting the lives of thousands of job seekers. In other words, associate your accomplishment with a specific percentage or dollar amount. Refrain from including confidential information from previous employers in your own answer. In this post, we hope to take some of the hard work out of your preparation by sharing some sample answers for the most significant accomplishments. Are accomplishments in general out of the ordinary for you? It blew my expectations out of the water, and my company went on to assign me more marketing tasks in the future. Running your first marathon. Organizing a successful charity event. Your response provides them with insight about your personal and professional achievements, and your ability to establish and achieve goals. 12 Example Answers to What Is Your Leadership Style? Interview Question, Vice President of Purchasing in Sarasota, FL, Highlight your best qualities and values in your answer. What Sets You Apart From Other Candidates? Utilize the STAR Method, Situation Describe the situation in your personal life or professional career that led to the achievement; Task talk about the task you had to do to accomplish the achievement; Action describe the actions you implemented to achieve the accomplishment; Results discuss the results. We went from 100 followers to over 5,000 within one year and social media is now a steady channel for generating sales leads. Pick a Recent Accomplishment. If you can, quantify the results in a way that speaks to the value youd bring to the job youre applying for. Mistakes continued, even after teaching the waitresses all of the receipts so they could explain the ingredients clearly to the guest. My greatest accomplishment was getting a gold medal in the International Olympiad of Science. The most effective way to answer any tough interview question is to follow the STAR approach. He obtained his BA and Masters from Appalachian State University. Pick one that highlights how you can benefit the employer. What happened and how did you handle it? They close with a measurable positive impact on the company, placing the focus back on the benefit for the employer. Make sure you prepare for this question ahead of time. By reading and understanding the job description, you should know what the job requires. My family doesnt have the means to contribute to my siblings and my education, so I secured scholarship funds based on my grades and community service. Answering What is your greatest achievement in an interview can be intimidating. The top achievement of my career has been the transformation of my former department as vice president of human resources. It was tiring at times, but I scheduled pretty much everything I had to do in my personal calendar. To answer just about any behavioral job interview question right, we recommend using the STAR method. Looking to enhance your professional life? After all, odds are pretty good that if youve worked long enough to have one big accomplishment, its not the only accomplishment that youve had. Whats your greatest accomplishment? is a behavioral job interview question. Set your story up with a brief description of the situation that led to your accomplishment. Cover letters don't have to be dry. Summary of How To Answer What Is Your Biggest Achievement? What is your greatest accomplishment? is one of the most common job interview questions, but particularly for someone fresh out of college or high school it can be daunting to answer. For 16 months, I often stayed late to make additional sales calls and would go on-site to dormant accounts one to two days per week. The, To structure your answer, we recommend using the. Result: Sales of the drink doubled and the store owner promoted me to assistant manager, where I boosted sales another 15%. Practice your example answers before your interview. Then you can determine to what extent you made this change happen or contributed to it. When answered properly, youll be able to share what you value most, your level of ambition and drive, your views on success, and whether you have the soft skills they are looking for. Use the opportunity to relate what you've accomplished to the position you're applying for. His parents called to tell me that they had never seen him excited to do homework before, especially when it involved reading. R [RESULTS] What were the results of what you did? Automation (e.g. TASK: Find a way to still deliver each project on time per customer expectations. "What is your greatest accomplishment?" is one of the most common job interview questions, but particularly for someone fresh out of college or high school it can be daunting to answer.We'll cover why interviewers ask about your greatest accomplishment, provide tips for giving the best answer, and tie it all together with a few . Chances are youll have several good stories to choose from, and they might all be comparable in terms of their impressiveness. When answered properly, youll be able to share what you value most, demonstrate your work ethic, and showcase why youre the best person for the job. During the first 6 months of the launch we saw increases in revenue of 19%, which was the biggest increase the company had ever seen during a 6-month period. This way, a recruiter will see how your soft skills can work successfully in their organization. SITUATION: One of my biggest achievements at work was turning around terrible online reviews. Try our cover letter generator and make a cover letter fast. I collected feedback from various people for about two weeks, then used the other two weeks to create awareness about the product in the area, with specific demonstrations on how to use the product. Explore various aspects of your life: work, hobbies, studies, extra-curricular activities, etc. RESULTS: As a result, our food tastes better, and positive online reviews increased threefold. Heres an example from a student who put themselves through college: I believe that my greatest achievement so far was funding my own education at [ University]. I shortened the time for onboarding by 50% and once our sales reps were out in the field, they started making sales on day one, which was unheard of before. Here are some techniques to answer questions about your greatest accomplishments: Start off by telling the interviewer a story. Learning how to play an instrument. Professional accomplishments are achievements beyond your daily work responsibilities. "What is your greatest accomplishment? Your answer could look something like the following: Situation - I think my greatest accomplishment was during my last job as an HR administrator. Your greatest accomplishments serve as your greatest selling point when you offer yourself to the company. When you can demonstrate that your work produced results that helped the business serve its customers, manage its finances or achieve its mission, you are . Job seekers are often haunted by lies, so its best to avoid them altogether. One of the common interview questions a recruiter may ask a potential candidate is, What is your greatest accomplishment? Potential employers prefer this question as it gives them insight into what you consider important parts of a job and how motivated you are to reach your career goals. My experience taught me time management, habits and prioritization. Learn every detail about making a resume. " is a common behavioral interview question, so be sure to practice your answer ahead of time. Because of this experience, next time I run into this challenge, Ill be able to use my newfound abilities with [skill or concept].. What is your greatest accomplishment as an accountant? Here is how the STAR approach works: Situation: Provide some context for your accomplishment in the initial portion of your response. . RESULTS: My calls started getting better, and after a month into my course, I was awarded employee of the month for offering the best solutions to our customers. It tells about your potential as an employee and how much of a valuable asset you can be to the company. ACTION: I decided to talk with the team, especially the ones with multiple fines, and understand where the problem was. The candidate proves their ability to meet and exceed HR objectives on a large scale, while focusing on what they did to get there. ACTION: I was still new to the job and had no car, so I could not stay late in the office for safety purposes. Charitable work or volunteering. I also started a reward system - if someone called in sick, youd get rewarded if you filled in for them. Example Answer #1 - For Entry-Level worker. We were understaffed and needed to complete projects on time to retain our only clients and attract more. Whenever possible, connect the achievement to key skills needed for the position. What is your greatest achievement? Using this method, you talk about the situation or problem you were facing, the task or role you played within the situation, the action you took to solve the problem, and the result you achieved. There's not much risk in screwing this one up, other than the fact that you might be missing out on a lot of free points if you don't take full advantage of this interview question. So, I mobilized my fellow interns and created a new campaign targeting donors under 35. Talking about your own achievements can be pretty uncomfortable for some were taught not to brag from an early age. Lets take a look at another sample answer. 3. What three things should I say for accomplishments? When answering this question you want to make sure you prepare your answer, read the job description, and use the star method in your answer. Our guides cover formatting, writing, and more. Heres what your greatest achievement might sound like. So now that you know what an employer is looking for with this question, how do you go about answering it in a way that makes you look like a good candidate? and your relevant "hard skills" (computer technologies, project . My greatest accomplishment was finishing college at the top of my class while holding a full-time job. In addition to showcasing their strengths, a job seeker should be effective in mirroring a companys core values and fitting in with the company culture in their answer to this behavioral interview question. Sometimes, its not easy to talk about ourselves and our past experiences but practicing for this, and other key behavioral questions will pay dividends in the long run. Answering this common behavioral question about your greatest professional achievement is a great way to show you are the best candidate for the role. Your qualifications: Some accomplishments help employers establish . education, discipline, etc.). Dont make anyone else look bad in your story; just talk about a time you were really proud of something impressive you did. Choose something recent, if you can. Training for and completing a marathon. We went from in use losses to enhanced revenue. Your Greatest Achievement In Life As A Student Is Beyond Academics . Buttoned up yet stylish. If you dont think you have any accomplishments, self-reflect and ask others for help. Choose a professional accomplishment. For the next three months, I was able to begin a weight training program and hitting lessons. When a recruiter or hiring manager asks you about your greatest accomplishment, they really want to know three main things: Your work ethic. We were losing customers and getting brutal reviews online. TASK: I decided to leave my comfort zone and change that by taking coding courses online as I continued working at the company. Then work on building out the supporting examples for these accomplishments. I see my greatest accomplishment as implementing a new customer relationship management system at my previous job. For background, I studied literature in school, which did not involve any tech information. How much work does it take for you to feel as though youve contributed to a work accomplishment? WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT? You can also use the STAR method to help you find the answer. I can hold 3/4 of a cup (180 mL) of water in my mouth. I was newly hired as a junior developer in a small tech company that had just started a branch in my area. Learn why employers ask this question, how you can answer, and some sample answers that can be useful as you craft your own response. Do not focus on other people in your answer. While finding an accomplishment thats relevant to what the company is looking for is an important first step, how you structure your story is also something you should consider. No votes so far! Three things you should say for any accomplishment are: This is why using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) is so helpful. This response highlights the students top grades and work experience. 1. Put emphasis on your writing rather than your cover letter's design. Further, great answers about your proudest accomplishment can show how well you communicate and display your creativity, leadership skills, and other useful skills that the job requires. Says a lot about the candidates values (i.e. Short on time or simply dont like writing? By the end of the year, his reading scores had gone up by over 15%, but the real accomplishment for me was getting him interested in learning something that had previously frustrated him. Structure your answer effectively. But at a job interview, your job is to be anything but humble. Accomplishing any task requires a set of values. Office of Personnel Management Structure Interviews, Harvard Business Review 10 Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them. The sweetest and best made of nothing .something important My achievements as a teacher: 1. improving an algorithm) Awards & Recognition. With a successful track record of supporting job seekers in securing positions at top companies across industries, our team is dedicated to providing expert guidance and support every step of the way. Applying for an academic role or have substantial teaching experience to list on your CV? Obviously the most important thing about the accomplishment to you was the way that it affected your own life, but an interviewer is going to be wondering how youre going to benefit them and their own company in the future. So, I didnt really have a lot of instructions. I learned a lot through teaching 2.Satisfaction through satisfying students and their parents 3.Respect through dedication in quality of work I believe that my greatest achievement as a teacher is being a wholesome person. I was diagnosed with a hip impingement and torn labrum after dealing with months of pain during the travel softball season. At MatchBuilt, we believe in empowering individuals to pursue their passions and reach their career goals, regardless of industry experience or formal education. 4. TASK: But now that I was there to stay, I had to find a way to learn at least words that would get me the basic things like food and help. 1. A simple way that you can show a potential employer what youre capable of is to quantify your accomplishment. ACTION: We decided to upgrade our ingredients and showcase them in all of our marketing. Like the examples above, this story focuses on what the candidate did to create real results. Find out what they're saying. I am incredibly proud of this accomplishment, as it . Building Support. Your greatest accomplishment is a significant event or achievement that you are proud of and that has had a meaningful impact on your life. But with our CV maker, you can create a CV in the same timeframe. I learned that younger potential donors found our materials out-of-touch. "What is your greatest accomplishment?" is one of the most common job interview questions, but particularly for someone fresh out of college or high school it can be daunting to answer.. We'll cover why interviewers ask about your greatest accomplishment, provide tips for giving the best answer, and tie it all together with a few sample answers. I was a topper in subjects like engineering mathematics and applied mechanics in my bath. I was promoted to sales manager in charge of the region and ensured that we hit the set target every month. Now, when you walk into the restaurant, you learn all about where our ingredients come from and their health benefits. I also accepted a work-study position as a laboratory assistant to gain relevant work experience. Learning the best way to answer What is your biggest accomplishment? or What is your best professional achievement ? job interview question is a great way to show an interviewer and prospective team members more information about you and your capabilities. This saved me a lot of time, and eventually, the document got repurposed to its own web page. Starting your first job. The fact that you ran a marathon after eating an entire box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts is impressive, but maybe not pertinent to how good of an engineer you are. First of all, I was incredibly lucky in my life. So, to help you learn how to answer behavioral job interview questions better, were going to cover 3 more examples and sample answers below: Other common behavioral interview questions include: Check out even more common interview questions, and sample answers here: 35+ Common Interview Questions and Answers.