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Where They Can Be Found: Australia, Asia, Africa and the Americas. Because of their luxurious horns and being part of the African Big Five, theyre subject to hunters. The inland taipan, for example, is known as the world's most venomous snake. A 16-foot saltwater crocodile can make dipping your toes in the waters off Australia's northern coast a spine-chilling event. They have thick, scaleless skin and sharp teeth that enable them to inflict serious wounds on their prey, including humans, when disturbed. In the United States, the burning of fossil fuels . With prehistoric looks, the towering ostrich can be 9 feet tall and weigh up to over 300 pounds! In 2019, a newspaper in India reported that the previous year saw 494 people killed by elephants in India. Theyre difficult to breed in captivity though. But theyre not drinking. Also known as the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium is one of the worlds leading causes of death from foodborne illness. Just shy of 30 humans on average are fatally. The condition is most common in developing countries where people use unclean water for daily living. They enjoy being around humans and have even been certified as therapy pets. Like humans, having a brain doesnt mean you dont have mental dexterity. In fact, hippopotamus attacks account for the highest percentage of fatalities (86.7%) when compared to lion and leopard attacks. Hippos (Kills 500 humans a year) 8. A fire ant bite is noticeable as it starts to itch immediately and then turns into a red welt. We used sources from scientific studies, national public health agencies, and the World Health Organization (WHO) to learn more about the most dangerous animals in the world. Where They Can Be Found: Worldwide, particularly in warm, humid climates, Notable Features: Looks like a noodle and is about 12 inches in length. No one wants to encounter a hyena, and they generally avoid humans. Snakes have long influenced our . The Mosquito is the deadliest animal in the world and accounts for an estimated 500 000 deaths per year. Theyre kind of stupid animals. In East Africa, they are known for breaking down fences in order to raid cultivated crops, which sometimes results in human conflict and deadly accidents. On top of that, the eucalyptus is difficult to digest, even with the koalas four stomachs. Not only is it illegal, but it teaches them to associate people with food. Not because the globins the black sheep of the family. "Elephants Killed Over 2,300 People in the Last Five Years: Environment Ministry." The sea wasp box jellyfish is perhaps the most deadly variety. The Tsetse Fly is often regarded as the world's most dangerous fly. Killdeers seem to be stupid animals that rush around all the time screaming their call. Government of India Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. If its about propagating the species, were confused. Kushnir, Hadas, et al. Notable Features: While you might not see the little snail, its the size of a quarter with a pinkish brown shell. They prefer the taste of fish and seals and can actually find humans difficult to digest. Mosquitos are responsible for more than 830,000 deaths per year. While there are an estimated 800 million to 1.2 billion people infected with the disease, only about 15% result in symptoms, the sickness typically remains undiagnosed for years until symptoms worsen enough to warrant medical attention. Therefore, other animals do not want to approach it for fear that they will get poked. Plus, with their powerful, strange-looking legs, they either bolt like roadrunners or hop like superfrogs. Where They Can Be Found: Around the world but most commonly found in the southeastern United States. The truth is these animals are dumb. Human-Wildlife Interactions, vol. Katherine Gallagher is a writer and sustainability expert. But in certain parts of Africa, hyenas have been known to attack villages. The Sloth could be the stupidest of the dumbest animals. Koalas have the smallest brains of any known mammals, and their behavior can be compared to someone who is high. Including them in this list of dangerous animals may be controversial, as deer are themselves the victims of the interaction, but the selection is based on mortality numbers alone. A vaccine prevents rabies, yet most of the deaths happen in rural areas of Asia, Africa or South America, where the vaccine is not always accessible. Not only is it one of the largest freshwater croc species in Africa (it can weigh upwards of 1,600 pounds), but it is also extremely widespread. Haddara, Moustafa M., et al. These cliquey animals are ferocious, fast and territorial. "Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mass Spectrometric Strategies for Proteomic Profiling of Iranian Saw-Scaled Viper, Echis carinatus sochureki, Venom." Photoreceptors in their retinas make them freeze when looking directly at headlights. The most common predator of these snails is the beetle. Komodo dragons are the worlds largest lizards, growing 10-feet long and weighing about 150 pounds. He could be simple-minded but often used his brains to save the day. "Assault or Homicide." The polar bear is one of the more aggressive bear species, while the black bear and grizzly bear take the crown for most human attacks. Komodo dragons may look like something out of a sci-fi movie, and they are often thought of as stupid animals based on their looks alone. Humans Killed: 4 people (in total that have ever been recorded), Where They Can Be Found: Komodo Island and Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia, Notable Features: Shark-like teeth, clawed feet, 10 feet in length. People either love snakes or hate them. According to the Japanese Health Ministry, incorrectly prepared fugu is one of the most frequent causes of food poisoning in the country. Black Mamba: This species is the most deadly in the world. As its name implies, giant hornets are, well, giant. Lets start with the fact theyre an endangered species because statistics show they have no real interest in sex! Where They Can Be Found: Every continent except Australia, Notable Features: Extra-large, furry animals that walk on all fours. However, there's room for other contenders on the unofficial list of most dangerous animals, like the Asian Giant Hornet, Leopard Seal, and Orcas. The golden poison frog is considered one of the most toxic animals on Earth. Found in several locations, including Northern Australia, South America, and mainland Central America, cane toads have long been labeled as really stupid animals. Alligator, 33. World Health Organization, 2021. But most people wont react that way. Each toe has a nail-like hoof. The average shark talks about the goblin shark behind its back. Gila monster. If you were to hold it in the palm of your hand (please dont! Theyre most common in the woods of North America. Those terms include, "cat," "snake" and, to paraphrase, "oh crap, eagle." "Ohcrapeagle" may well have been one of the first human words. Humans Killed Per Year: Different sources report anywhere from 725,000 to 1 million, Where They Can Be Found: Any environment, except for extremely cold weather, Notable Features: Small insects with long bodies, legs and antennae. Stonefish are particularly dangerous to divers and swimmers in Australia. Norwegian lemmings have long been seen as stupid because they fight animals much bigger than themselves when necessary. Polar bear, 10. The birds also incredibly stupid. They often use their quick, powerful kick to kill venomous snakes without getting bit if they miss. Dogs (rabies) (Kills 59,000 per year) 3. Crocodiles look as vicious as they are. Scientists believe that these endangered frogs, endemic to the Pacific coast of Colombia, sequester lethal amounts of batrachotoxin through their diet of poisonous ants. Why? Since in most cases it is humans who encroach on their habitats and animals merely react or are victims themselves, for the purpose of this list, we're only taking into consideration the number of deaths associated with each creature. The cone snail has killed about 36 people over the years. The panda mother is also known to aggressively kill their children. But thats not always the case. World Health Organization, 2021. According to the Guinness Book of World . Note: Some of the animals on this list are dangerous for attacking humans, not necessarily killing them. You may want to douse yourself in bug repellent after reading this. Saltwater Crocodile #5. Then, theres its neck, which can be up to 6 feet long. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. Its tentacles are covered in tiny darts laced with poison, which when injected, can cause paralysis, cardiac arrest, or death almost immediately. Box jellyfish are deadly to many different animals, not the least of all, us. They wait for an ant to wander by before they snatch it. In Tanzania alone, African lions attacked 1,000 people between the years 1994 and 2014. Or piercing fangs? Some individuals can grow to an astonishing 5 meters (16 feet) and weigh up to 360 kilograms (793 lbs). While its argued that this creature has the capacity to show reasonable smarts, what makes it stand out as the dumbest bird is its reaction to threats. Wolf, 2. The flamingo also demonstrates its dumbosity at mealtime. 68, no. Box Jellyfish Deaths from Ascaris roundworm are more common in areas that have ineffective sewage disposal systems. Journal of Medical Toxicology, vol. Tapeworms are a silent killer, as the symptoms are usually mild or nonexistent. Humans Killed Per Year: Between 10,000 and 20,000, Where They Can Be Found: Africa, Asia and South America. One female is capable of laying nearly 30,000 eggs at the same time. If their bellies are overfull and they sense a predator is about to get them, then they vomit their stomach contents up. African Journal of Ecology, vol. The inescapable conclusion: Giganotosaurus was one of the few theropods capable of taking down a full-grown titanosaur adult (or, at least, a more . It often mistakes one of its own limbs for a tree branch. There are about 2,000 different types of jellyfish, about 70 of which can hurt you. Poison Control Center sent 16,275 people to healthcare facilities due to scorpion stings, more than half of which occurred in the state of Arizona. Unfortunately and maybe not surprisingly, as of 2020. there were less than 200 Kapapo on the entire planet. The African Cape Buffalo may have horns that look like an 18th-century British wig, but thats what makes them so dangerous. Brown or grizzly bears are believed to be more aggressive than other types of bears, such as black bears, but they also happen to be the most widespread bear species globally. Male Sydney funnel web spiders are particularly dangerous, tending to hang out in small burrows or crevices in colonies of up to 100. Often, they do so until they drown. Unlike any other animal on Earth, man has created things that destroy nature. The hippopotamus has a bulky body on stumpy legs, an enormous head, a short tail, and four toes on each foot. "Ascaris lumbricoides: A Startling Discovery During Screening Colonoscopy." You. Florida Museum of Natural History. However, most of these dangerous animals choose to avoid humans when they hear us stomping through their necks of the woods! Where They Can Be Found: Coastal waters of Australia, Indonesia and India as well as a few species in the Caribbean and Florida Keys, Notable Features: Have similar looks to a rock or part of a reef. Thank you for reading! You're more likely to be crushed to death by a falling vending machine than eaten by a shark. The admittedly adorable animal also has no sense of hygiene and is famous for spreading disease. Symptoms begin with a fever and headache and continue until the infected person becomes increasingly tired and eventually dies. While there have been few human deaths attributed to stonefish, a sting will still require immediate medical attention. Meanwhile, foxes who try to attack the nests get a full face, which means that they cannot sneak up on their enemies because their prey can smell the animal coming. Found primarily in the Indo-Pacific and northern Australia, the Australian box jellyfish is known for being the worlds most venomous marine animal. Their distinctive white cheeks and chin may draw their predators attention toward their mouths. "Attack by Tigers." The Ascaris roundworm leads to an infection called aschariasis that kills an estimated 4,500 people a year, according to a 2013 study. #10. Hippos consume about 80 pounds of grass a day and weigh about 3,000 to 8,000 pounds! Sure, there are ants there, but you don't see them that much (if ever). The Gila monster is one of the most venomous lizards to humans. She holds a B.A. Hippopotamuses are the deadliest land animal on the planet, killing at least 500 people per year. It has a fatal venom thats not intended to harm humans, but when it does, it starts with paralysis, then induces a coma and eventually leads to death. Theyll tear each other apart for it even though they can eat any leaf. 158-165., doi:10.1007/s13181-016-0594-0, Xu, Jiaquan. Pufferfish, blowfish and fugu fall under the same category of a fish that puffs up with spikes and stings you. The golden poison frog keeps its toxins in glands beneath its skin, so any human or animal that takes a bite would be in serious trouble. Humans Killed Per Year: About 10,000 to 12,000, Where They Can Be Found: North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, Notable Features: A flat body with red and orange markings. No matter what predatory birds do, they cannot get the oil off, and it causes them to be unable to fly. A 2019 study at Utah State University examined how many people are injured or killed each year by wildlife in the United States, the first such review to take place since 2002. Their heads are the same color as sand, which at least acts as camouflage. The assassin bug is ruthless to other insects as well. Where They Can Be Found: Warm waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, Notable Features: Long bodies without scales. Tsetse Fly #4. Oh, and all the cobra has to do is spit venom on your face to kill you. We often tense up when we see or hear a bee buzzing around. Mosquitos not only leave an itchy bite, but they are also carriers of illnesses and diseases, including Zika, malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile and yellow fever all of which are fatal. Or the creature could pound the pavement in a crazed dash. Other birds that stick to the ground include the emu and the kiwi. Venomous Snakes. The bird freezes and waits to be a meal. They have widely-spaced eyes and an almost clumsy, dim-witted walk. But most of that is because their brain levels are the equivalent of being high all the time. In recent years, komodo dragons have become somewhat of a tourist attraction in Indonesia. Are pandas stupid or are Komodo dragons? These birds that live in the sub-Saharan African grasslands have long legs and sharp toes. Found mostly off the coastlines of Japan, the goblin shark has poor eyesight, is thought to be a poor swimmer, and is generally sluggish. It doesnt blink. Between 2005 and 2015, the U.S. Journal of Proteome Research, vol. Chilean Recluse Spider. This automatically draws attention from their predators to themselves. There are nearly 2,000 different species! While wolves in the wild arent usually a fatal danger to humans, these large canines have been exhibiting more fearless behavior around humans over the last century. The cutest animal in the world is way up there on the stupid chart. These horns, combined with their natural aggressive nature and massive size, make them exceptionally dangerous. Mozambique spitting cobra Digital Vision/Getty Images. Humans Killed: 3 people (in total that have ever been recorded), Where They Can Be Found: Australia, Japan, Philippines and India. When it comes to snakes, the saw scaled viper is considered the most deadly, causing a higher global snakebite mortality rate than any other species. Yes you guessed it right, it's human. ), it would bite you and inject tetrodotoxin, a deadly toxin also found in pufferfish. Coelho, Pedro, et al. While elephants kill about 500 humans each year, about 100 elephants are killed each day by poachers. This allows them to knock out some animals before they can hurt or kill them. However, grey wolves, coyotes, dogs and jackals are all in the Canis genus, whereas African wild dogs are the only extant (living) species in the Lycaeon genus. This allows them to move faster, and the predator may decide to eat the partially digested meal instead of them. However, unlike Earth, HD 189733b was not blue because of its seas and oceans. The bird is capable of running away and even hiding. Ants. It found that more than 47,000 people sought medical attention after being attacked or bitten by wildlife each year, resulting in eight fatalities on average. Occasionally, but certainly not always, the number of humans killed is connected to a single predatory tiger. 10 animals that aren't as dangerous as you think. Unlike poisonous animals, who secrete toxins, venomous animals directly deliver it using specialised body parts, through a bite or, in this case, a stinger. But the. Sharks' reputation as deadly attackers may be exaggeratedyou're more likely to die from a fireworks accident than a shark attackbut it isn't completely unwarranted. You dont need to tell us to fear scorpions. These dumbest animals get a kick out of eucalyptus leaves. There are an estimated 30 to 50 deaths each year in Japan from hornet attacks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. World Health Organization, 2021. "Single Rat Muscle Na+ Channel Mutation Confers Batrachotoxin Autoresistance Found in Poison-Dart Frog Phyllobates terribilis." The venom or neurotoxins are fast-acting and can kill 10-25 adult human beings. The ears, eyes, and nostrils are located high on the head so that the rest of the body may remain submerged. This unique species of box jellyfishwhich is considered more deadly than common jellies since they swim rather than floatcan grow tentacles up to 10 feet long. It gets its name from the indigenous people of Colombia who tipped their darts and blowguns with its venom before hunting. Bullet ants named after their painful sting. Intestinal infection from tapeworms arises from eating undercooked infected pork, poor hygiene, or ingesting contaminated water. As the name implies, an assassin bug kills. The horned lizard can shoot blood from its eyes, which is toxic to canines and tastes terrible to other predators. The females are extremely fertile. Only about 12 species are considered dangerous to humans. A sharp sting? This list was developed by the Australian Museum in Sydney. Instead, they stand still and bob up and down, almost like they have hiccups. The black mamba has a big reputation for being one of the world's deadliest snakes. Its a flightless bird with small wings. Horses and cows killed about 77 people from 2008 to 2017 in Australia alone. "Predators That Kill Humans: Myth, Reality, Context and the Politics of Wolf Attacks on People." 4, 2014, pp. The Giganotosaurus, an eight- to 10-ton, three-fingered predator whose remains have been found in close proximity to those of Argentinosaurus, is one of the biggest dinosaurs ever to walk the Earth. Their bite can apply a force of 2,000 pounds per square inch, enough to snap a large human in half. At number nine of the top 10 most venomous animals in the world we find the Chilean recluse spider, another arachnid. Some are slow creepers, going virtually unnoticed when they initially attack. But its venomous characteristics make it one of the worlds deadliest animals. "Yearly Worldwide Shark Attack Summary - International Shark Attack File." The worlds most venomous scorpion only grows to about 11 centimeters in length, but its lethal stinger packs a powerful puncha study published in Functional Ecology measured the deathstalkersstinger snapping over its head as fast as 127.9 centimeters per second. There are between 6 million and 7 million people infected with Chagas disease globally, mostly in urban settings, and the condition accounts for approximately 10,000 deaths per year. Oxford Medical Case Reports, vol. 20. Scientists consider factors like growing human populations, development into bear habitats, and expanded brown bear ranges due to global warming as possible contributing factors. The reason behind this is the numerous times they have attacked humans and the reason remains completely unknown. Case Reports in Gastroenterology, vol. Rabies, a zoonotic and viral disease, causes tens of thousands of deaths each year. The honey badger is the only animal on this list that's not a significant threat to humans, but nevertheless, it deserves to be on here. There are about 30 to 40 scorpion species that can kill you. 114, no. They can get exceptionally dangerous when they enter the central nervous system, causing neurological symptoms like epileptic seizures. "Trypanosomiasis, Human African (Sleeping Sickness)." The strength of the wolf lies in the pack. in English Literature from Chapman University and a Sustainable Tourism certificate from the GSTC. There are three different species of pitohui, the most poisonous of which is the . Some of the most dangerous snakes live alongside people in areas where access to anti-venom and medical care is limited (such as India). Learn more about the Norwegian lemming which is a member of the rodent family. Most snails hide inside their hard shells until a threat of danger passes. The Cape buffalo is without a doubt one of the most dangerous animals in Africa, and is sometimes referred to as 'widowmaker' or 'the black death'. But we've rarely been able to follow that enquiry without pursuing a dangerous kind of self-aggrandisement, argues Melanie Challenger Were interested in learning about the worlds deadliest animals. They spend about 16 hours a day in the water and only leave the water to eat. They have huge jaws, and they can open them extremely wide. If you see an alligator, dont feed it. The lizards blood can shoot up to 3 feet, deters predators from getting closer, and predators often find out that it tastes horrible. African elephants live in larger ranges and vast protected areas (where local communities can steer clear of them), while the smaller Asian elephants are forest dwellers who are more likely to share habitats with people. Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mass Spectrometric Strategies for Proteomic Profiling of Iranian Saw-Scaled Viper, Trypanosomiasis, Human African (Sleeping Sickness), Hippopotamus Bite Morbidity: A Report of 11 Cases from Burundi, Elephants Killed Over 2,300 People in the Last Five Years: Environment Ministry, Using Landscape Characteristics to Predict Risk of Lion Attacks on Humans in South-Eastern Tanzania, Predators That Kill Humans: Myth, Reality, Context and the Politics of Wolf Attacks on People, Yearly Worldwide Shark Attack Summary - International Shark Attack File, Species Implemented in Attacks - International Shark Attack File, A 'Striking' Relationship: Scorpion Defensive Behaviour and its Relation to Morphology and Performance, Nationwide Scorpion Exposures Reported to US Poison Control Centers from 2005 to 2015, QuickStats: Numbers of Deaths from Wasps, and Bee Stings, Among Males and Females - National Vital Statistic System, United States, 2000-2017, Single Rat Muscle Na+ Channel Mutation Confers Batrachotoxin Autoresistance Found in Poison-Dart Frog, Hospitalizations and Deaths Resulting from Bear Attacks - Alaska, 2000-2017, Sheer size, like with elephants, grizzlies, and hippos, Venom and diseases, because it's not always the bite but, rather, what's, Tool using, uniquely the case with humans. All together, the WHO estimates that vector-borne diseases are responsible for more than 700,000 deaths per year. Tsetse flies: 10,000 deaths a year International Atomic Energy Agency/Wikimedia Hippos are extremely aggressive and territorial animals. Learn more about horned lizards and their North American habitat. There are about six spider deaths each year in the United States. Here are what appear to be the 19 dumbest animals in the world. 5. The blood that comes out of a special duct near their eyes is toxic to canines, like dogs, wolves, and coyotes. 20, no. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 600 of the 3,000 species of snakes are venomous. They have 13 spines along their back, and each spine has a gland that holds venom. The king of the jungle is a lazy predator, yet theyre responsible for about 250 human deaths per year (although this number varies). Therefore, many assume that the giraffe is dumb. For an animal to be considered poisonous, it must be toxic to eat.