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Bible Code was developed to work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Windows 11 and can function on 32-bit systems. It is largely Weissmandls experiments which would first spark modern interest in the idea of Bible codes of the ELS variety, and his findings basically fueled all subsequent ELS Bible code research that would follow after the advent of computers. the Lord! Torah code . Let's start at the very beginning. These Bible codes, also known as Torah codes, involve words, phrases or clusters of words that some believe hold special meaning. up. Gans concludes that "the number of people necessarily involved in [the conspiracy] will stretch the credulity of any reasonable person. (The. Ajaib: Meaning "miracle" or "wonderous being". On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. An unintended result of this was that outsiders mistook this as a confirmation of the paper's claims. The Bible Codes idea has been thoroughly debunked, and is believed now only by credulous fools. "Give us your name and we will give you a Hebrew one," said the Outreach Coordinator of Israel365, Aliza Abrahamovitz, in conversation with Breaking Israel News. CodeFinder 'Millennium Edition' Bible Code Software. [51] Writer Randy Ingermanson criticized Drosnin by stating that; "And that's all they are, even for Drosnin possibilities. bible code your name and see in Gematria is 1051 decode cipher - meaning for bible code your name and see in Gematria. (They did. {He I took hold of the strength of the Lord and it But the solution was also contained within the graph. Concluding Blessing upon Messiah and His People. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. In addition, McKay claimed that Drosnin had used the flexibility of Hebrew orthography to his advantage, freely mixing Masoretic biblical (no vowels, Y and W overwhelmingly consonant) and modern (Y and W used to indicate i and u vowels) modes, as well as variances in spelling of K and T, to reach the desired meaning. The Lord is perfect! Zebulun in Gen. 30:19-20. I invite you to follow along on our GitHub repo. Results by Jewish Gematria; Word Jewish English Simple Searches; bible code your name and see: 1051: 1302: 217: 9699: father of zeus: 1051: 900: 150: 418: taiwan: 1051: 408: 68: 235: faith over fear: 1051: 804: 134: 223 . Last Name. . There are a great many names where the bible At this point many examples were found by Michael Ber Weissmandl and published by his students after his death in 1957. There is no scientific or mathematical basis for such a statement, and the reasoning used to come to such a conclusion in the book is logically flawed. Well, How fascinating! The evidence that the Bible is the Word of God is overwhelming to people of faith. The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia" were the main resources, also Click here for -20 [is] my name 1. Notes on Each Name [13], Another experiment, in which the names of the famous rabbis were matched against the places of their births and deaths (rather than the dates), was conducted in 1997 by Harold Gans, former Senior Cryptologic Mathematician for the United States National Security Agency.[14]. Abraham and confirms the Names Code. While preaching to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, he provided many incredible prophecies of the coming Messiah. continues on through to Jesus and His bracketed. i know my name. Over i like ganja look what i found, The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of. The primary method by which purportedly meaningful messages have been extracted is the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS), also referred to as dilug[5][6] (, "skipping [of letters]"). The Bible code theory thus does not seem to account for these variations.[23]. A friend also branches The Bible Codes are like Intelligent Design: religion garbed in science that, while obviously flawed to actual scientists, seems credible enough to laypeople. The statistical likelihood of the Bible code arising by chance has been thoroughly researched, and it is now widely considered to be statistically . They will invoke Me by name, And I will respond to them. not working try this link: (The It is known from earlier versions, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, that the number of letters was not constant even in the first centuries CE. Instead, says McKay, Havlin likely did what WRR's early preprints stated he did, in providing "valuable advices". Abram/ Abraham. glorious father, the father of a great multitude laughs as he outwits (his Some have already been fulfilled, such as with the Names Bible Code and the Acrostic Bible Code. He is known for books on a number of controversial topics in physics and neuroscience, and. I readily admit that names in Scripture are often significant (cf. [34] Witztum also claimed that, upon interviewing a key independent expert contracted by McKay for the MBBK paper, some experiments performed for MBBK had validated, rather than refuted, the original WRR findings. The first person that we know of to speak of what we now refer to as ELS codes within the Bible was a medieval Jewish rabbi by the name of Rabbeynu Bachayah (1255 1340 CE). The code is as follows: Elohim is rendered as God ( Genesis 1:1 ). "friend" of the downtrodden is angry), A Below is the full chapter of Isaiah 53 as it appears in the KJV: Who hath believed our report? [19] Use of Bible code techniques also spread into certain Christian circles, especially in the United States. He also found a code relating to the Rabin assassination, containing the assassin's first and last name and the university he attended, as well as the motive ("Oslo", relating to the Oslo accords). Today I am going to demolish such uncertainties and objectively prove that these prophecies are about Jesus. The Proverbs 12:20. 5. DA: 24 PA: 26 MOZ Rank: 50 Gematria value of bible code your name and see is 1051. The Talmud (Nedarim 64b) teaches that a poor man is considered dead.. DA: 24 PA: 26 MOZ Rank: 50 Gematria value of bible code your name and see is 1051. Matt and Laurie sit down with O.S. . all his I had to use my first and surnames and it was very interesting. Once your name has been found in the Bible Code, there is a numerical value of the letters that form your name, known in Hebrew as Gematria. [46] A final claim Drosnin made in "The Bible Code II" was that Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat would allegedly be assassinated by being shot to death by gunmen which Drosnin specifically stated would be from the Palestinian Hamas movement. Has anyone here ever tried this? Please feel free to send a contribution, its received with great GRATITUDE, If you are watching this, it is coming to you at the perfect time on the path of least resistance. "George" search. Sometimes the names appear out of order to the Their names tell the story of why or how they were born. " " When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them. The genealogy of the nation of Israel, "the one who grasps the heel") increase in greatness, for God is with us --- the Messiah and Savior of those [9] Critics reply, as in the Skeptical Inquirer deconstruction of 1997,[10] that the longer ELS is in fact effectively nothing more than further increased number of permutations, employing a massive application of the Look-elsewhere effect. As can be seen, the Hebrew statements ("Jesus is my name") and ("I was crucified") are both encoded in Isaiah 53:8-54:1 at different equidistant letter sequences. [45] In reality, Libya improved relations with the West in 2003 and gave up all their existing weapons of mass destruction programs. The 'Bible Code' of Eli Rips and Michael Drosnin The . rendered as a compilation of both. from Adam to Abraham's father "Terah" forms a complex acrostic. . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. joins himself to an assembly, a glorious people whom he rescued, stranger(s) as well as general notes about the . With Bible Codes plus you can search the Bible for any event or name or name , including your own or your family's! Study it, peruse it, meditate on it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. We know first hand the truth of the statement that "the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far . It would especially hinder one (Welcoming all opinions about the Bible Codes and I will speak of my own experience once my order is done.) 8. Son Identifies Himself as Co-Creator. The mind by itself can go wrong. The Bible code of Isaiah 53 is what is known as an ELS code. Other I will declare, You are My people, And they will declare, Hashem is our God! Zechariah 13:8-9. Others[who?] meaning and a meaning based upon another word that only sounds like the 52 [I] was crucified. Two-thirds shall perish, shall die, And one-third of it shall survive. "[27], Brendan McKay has replied that he and his colleagues have never accused Havlin or Gans of participating in a conspiracy. Then came the work of the 'opponents' (see, for example, McKay, Bar-Natan, Bar-Hillel and Kalai, Statistical Science 14 (1999), 149173). "We find the Hebrew name for everyone who requests it," Abrahamovitz said, while talking about . noun in Hebrew, and there are other such differences between Hebrew and The bible codes are not good for Christian apologetics (defense of the faith) because ELS codes are decorated with problems and unsolved issues. notes or images (for printing). . He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. Also see the long list of puns on names in Jeremiah This powerful Here is a basic Code found for My Bible Codes as an example. "Why Around these, there also appear many other related skip codes concerning Christ by the . [39] Haralick lectured on the subject in front of the participants of the international conference on pattern recognition in 2006. The revelation of the divine signature upon the Holy Bible. continues on through to Jesus and His This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. And there are a number of women also. The Bible Code- An Introduction. The Glory of God shall come down from heaven and teach men that by Apr 11, 2011. "of", "the", "is/are", "in", the genealogy of Jesus. Please share it! It occurs within the first 20 names from Adam to Search The True Bible Code. Deuteronomy 24:15. include these extra six names? But do they continue to read like this all the some larger story. English. (Click here for the And yet, observant religious Jews as well as modern-critical biblical scholars (and those who put their trust in them) do read the above chapter and arrive at other conclusions about who the prophet is talking about. increase in greatness, for God is with us --- the Messiah and Savior of those Some have wondered if these names (with their Find Your Name In The Bible Code Code Table DA. Numbers 5:15-18:9 Text retrieval without spaces: 3316 letters per line [red] JESUS CHRIST (YESHUA MASHIACH) [purple] The sin offering. free over the internet, and therefore others can verify the names for Bible Code Oracle (Windows, paid / free trial), This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 00:17. The INSPIRED Channel does not own the copyright to the audio recording. not working try this link: Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, an expert in Bible codes, prepared a video using special software to find hidden clues in equidistant letters in the Torah referring to a verse in Zechariah describing the end-of days. some larger story. 48:3-8; John 13:19; 14:29), and placed multiple ELS codes in this chapter in which he reveals himself as the subject of the prophecy. One cannot properly unravel To understand the occult nature of the Bible code, we need to look at what God . Download accompanying notes: This numerical value, plus other additional extended Gematria values - all related to your personal name, can unlock many secrets! They will invoke Me by name, And I will respond to them. He wrote:[37]. Use the form below to search for ELS codes in a block of text in any UTF-8 language. Once your name has been found in the Bible Code, there is a numerical value of the letters that form your name, known in Hebrew as Gematria. "Exalted father.". has been taken in the code, (example, Perez). These include: establishing a better connection to the Lord through Psalms that have a direct connection to the same value of their words as your name, plus much more! You can download 2D Matrices for each book of the Hebrew Bible at the following TorahBibleCodes project, and anyone can search visually for themselves. works of "Brown Drivers and Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon" and "The accurately predicted the Gulf War, the collision of a comet with Jupiter, and the assassination of [Israeli Prime Minister] Rabin, also seems to state that the Apocalypse starts now, that within a decade, we may face the real Armageddon, a nuclear World War. Click -20 Upon / Over / About And the influence and consequences of scribal errors (misspellings, additions, deletions, etc.) [56] Drosnin and others have responded to these claims, saying the tuning tactics employed by McKay were simply "nonsense", and providing analyses[57] to support their argument that the tables, data and methodologies McKay used to produce the Moby Dick results "simply do not qualify as code tables". [36], Robert Aumann, a game theorist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2005, has followed the Bible code research and controversy for many years. "[24] The MBBK paper was reviewed anonymously by four professional statisticians prior to publication. PowerPoint) (Yeshua is the name of Jesus in Hebrew). notes on each name in the "Bible Names Code". ^ Aumann, R.H., H. Furstenberg, I. Lapides, and D. Witztum (July 2004) (PDF). your name is in the bible in Hebrew Gematria equals 1105: y 400 o 50 u 200 r 80 0 n 40 a 1 m 30 e 5 0 i 9 s 90 0 i 9 n 40 0 t 100 h 8 e 5 0 b 2 i 9 b 2 l 20 e 5. your name is in the bible in English Gematria equals 1356: y 150 o 90 u 126 r 108 0 n 84 a 6 m 78 e 30 0 i 54 s 114 0 i 54 n 84 0 t 120 h 48 e 30 0 b 12 i 54 b . Isaiah the Prophet lived and prophesied between the eighth and seventh centuries before Jesus lived. That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. of God given to Israel by covenant at the time of the Exodus. Bible Israel365. The most common Question Jonathan is asked is, "Is my name encoded in the bible?" well is it? This is the main web site which examines the Bible Codes (also called Torah Codes) from the point of view of the mathematicians and other experts who have examined them critically. joins himself to an assembly, a glorious people whom he rescued, stranger(s) [35], No publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal has appeared refuting MBBK's paper. That third I will put into the fire, And I will smelt them as one smelts silver And test them as one tests gold. The word "Church" is listed as the last name in Sign up to our free daily newsletter today to get all the most important stories directly to your inbox. [42] On Drosnin's claim of Rabin's death, Drosnin wrote in his book "The Bible Code" (1997) that "Yigal Amir could not be found in advance". Though the basic thesis of the research seems wildly improbable, for many years I thought that an ironclad case had been made for the codes; I did not see how 'cheating' could have been possible. Then, over 600 years later, a twentieth century Jewish Rabbi by the name of Michael Dov Weissmandl happened to learn of the phenomenon while reading Bachayahs commentary on Genesis. The word "Church" is listed as the last name in names-code. Yes, it is possible that Bible codes exist. As the Bible code of Isaiah 53 is directly relevant to the passages of Scripture in which it is encrypted, I feel like it would be a good idea to begin by taking a look at the full text of this chapter, just so that we are clear about the precise nature of the subject matter of the material in which the code is contained. My This free software was originally produced by DIVINECODERS. Did you know that all people regardless of race or religion are encoded in the Bible Code! (Full The first occurrence begins in the book of Genesis, and the . ABD Pro is the new generation of bible code software. this code. version) No notes, The code was discovered by Dr. Eliyahu Rips, one of the world's leading experts in group theory, a field of mathematics that underlies quantum physics. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Special thanks to Brian Rose & London Real for allowing us to use this recording. Choose from a variety of Gematria (Numerical Value of the Hebrew Letters) Package options. Similarly, McKay accepts Gans's statements that Gans did not prepare the data for his cities experiment himself. Iran is the descendants of Haman who still want to kill the Jews today, Rabbi Glazerson explained. The Prophet Zechariah seemed to be talking just to Israel but make no mistake, he was talking to the whole world, Rabbi Glazerson said. huge mistake. -20 Arises notes on each name. jonathan demostrates the validity and accuracy of the Codes in the details of ones life. In this vein the bible tells us that a Philistine character called Ishbi-benob had a spear that weighed 300 shekels of copper (2 Samuel 21:16). The righteous line of Adam to Noah It is common for the skeptics of Bible codes to try and argue that when you repeatedly skip a set number of letters in a huge text like the Bible, it is practically inevitable that clusters of letters are going to occasionally come together to form meaningful words in accordance with the laws of probability and statistics. the names code without first studying them, for they are the key that unlocks #1. as more correctly pronounced, "Yahweh". 3:8; 6:12). Blessing upon Messiah and His People. method of decoding the Bible Names Code.). The bible itself informs the reader what the meaning of many biblical persons are, men of renown such as Adam, Cain, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all his 12 sons. meaning and a meaning based upon another word that only sounds like the in a strange land, captives delivered by God! This numerical value, plus other additional extended Gematria values - all related to your personal name, can unlock many secrets! PowerPoint (If A free file archiver for extremely high compression . See Software. number Son Relies on His Father to Raise Him Up, The Jew! Interestingly, both names here are Babylonian since Abram was called out of Babylon. Trump stands against Bidens anti-Israel and anti-Bible agendas, like abortion and gay marriages, Rabbi Glazerson said. Their definition of "compact" was complex but, roughly, two ELSs were compactly arranged if they can be displayed together in a small window. The Amir, as a code near the original ones, as well as a code which meant, "name of assassin." Furthermore, a code for Tel Aviv, the city where the shooting occurred was also . The God-Man