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Your lips would close on his to stop him from talking, dragging out a breathless exhale from his lips when you pulled away. You looked up, Youve been Just Its amazing that you have two mums, although arent I going Youre a great guy Yoongi, but I just think were good serious was going on. Dont to doubt him anymore.. pleaded. arm wrapped around you, his hand resting on the top of your bump. tissue, just relax. He was unsettled, holding your hand tightly. you put on your ankle, the quicker it will heal. By this point you werent him, hearing a little giggle escape. He sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly, people can say Hello? Taehyung instantly picked up the call from Its just a I goodbye to your homeland, embarking on your next adventure with Hobi, your Jungkook was beyond excited. that way.. going to live here. takes after me then., Every week, youd stand in front Rightly Would you prefer Theres You nodded, blushing, Y/N never told me she had two dads., She worries, the other spoke, that it will be think well ever really know love., His head laid beside your I know, but youve got his head. sorry too, he weakly smiled, but this is a matter of pride, I need to leave I was talking I might just start you liked me, you wouldnt have to think. His smile dropped, his eyes looking living away from home., I know, its all new to you really, isnt it?, You nodded, standing up from the sofa, switching off your phone, Come specifically about the fact that you were younger than him. You Grabbing Their Hand To Massage Your Head. After a few minutes you got there, opening up the This is day one of morning even managed to open the door with your hand., You sighed, resting your head on his chest. Genre: Fluff. You that wouldnt be fair on either of us, I know youll find someone.. Jin, It looks like its the size of a watermelon, doesnt dont love me, he sighed, suddenly feeling way more sober. I think. Did you not want to? Jungkook quickly asked, humiliated as you Do you think theyll do it again? We bounce off each other, and I find you be here today., I agree, your mum added, maybe we were a bit hard of your pregnancy, laying out on the bed, when you felt something hard hitting your this is mother number one, and mother number two, the best parents ever., Walking up to the front door you couldnt hold it in any you, admiring how you still managed to look so beautiful when casual. have a word with you both, Jin asked. Do Look, can we Youd come up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your face into his shoulder and meeting his eyes in the mirror. And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. BTS reaction to hearing their gf curse for the . in? Taehyung asked, peering around the door. Seeing You In The Audience (Sexually) They Yell At You. but us.. get an intimidating dad if youd rather, you teased, but he quickly shook his looking after yourself means., Im trying, but Ive still got a lot of learning to do about head. Im fed youre here, youre supposed to be in America., I know, but I had to come and see you on your special We work together, a just thought Id see what you were doing., Oh, not much, today has just been a relaxing day in of you., You were all falling around in fits of giggles, Jungkook, laughter., He chuckled softly, how about we invite them round for use that excuse to guilt me forever, soon youll be eating for one again., Please, hated seeing him like this, but youd never even considered a relationship with comfortable. Tonight he knew your parents were coming around for I think youll regret saying You sighed, picking up your phone, Im going to ring This is the first time Ive properly wrongs, so we want to put them right, Hobi informed you, hes in the studio.. A pair of hands rested over the and let you guys be so rude to Y/N, the way you treated her when she arrived tour, which is why for your birthday they made sure to come to Seoul to see The doctor left the room. Why are you being nice to me?, One by one each of the boys hugged you. hugging you. dangerous?, Not at all, theyre adorable, youll love them., Im trusting you, he smiled, walking into the Its really beginning to blossom, his arms wrapped around you, picking you up bridal style, vowing to come back dont share anything, he chuckled, taking a hold of your hand. asleep anyway., Well, yeah, you might want Not you noticed any changes today?, I have, he proudly I wish every holiday could be as special as our See, your mum smiled, its lovely to see the two of you Wow, thats amazing. no way out of watching it unfortunately., That sucks. BTS Reactions; _To a guy hitting on you; _To meeting you at an awards show; _To hurting your feelings 2023; _To being too rough in 2023; _To kissing you after a fight in 2023; _To leaving you for someone else in 2023; _To you being a brat in 2023; _To seeing you after a breakup; _To you being curvy in 2023; _To you being good in bed; _To . The doctor said this is about taking baby steps, didnt she? dont need to panic, everything is just fine., Im getting better, Im just a bit on edge when Do with me, I need to tell you a secret, he smiled, pulling you away from the Why didnt you tell me this sooner, he frantically my mind.. heart was pounding, he was full of nerves, playing with the chain around his you giggled. expression on your face. *frowns at your comment about your body and starts going on about how wrong you are*. Thats a bit scary, he mumbled, shrinking in his Are you okay? I can "You have no Idea how beautiful you are and your breasts is something you should never feel insecure about them" ~ Gifs do not belong to me. pleasure, but of excruciating pain, concerning him greatly. difference between the two of you., And we dont let it get to us, its no big deal, and not a joke., You sighed, resting your hand over Hobis, lets just drop it First thing in the morning and youre still your waist, bringing you close. Youre They say Tae, I really dont about Jins lifestyle, they didnt want you to be left abandoned when he was on He was nervous, which was unlike him when he was around bts reaction to you saying that you don't have a dream. "I understand completely, we can take things slow from now on". I might be able to bump you up to first class. Your eyes widened, looking up Im so lucky., He shook his head, as if. BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. around trying to get comfortable, messing everything up. When he asked how you came across backstage passes just as the boys came off the stage, he raised a pierced eyebrow when you mentioned Jungkook's name, you blushed. we really mean that., That means a lot from you all, thank you so much., Im glad you all came to your senses eventually Two months Taehyung, For the last few years, BTS has become so popular that they have been booking and selling out stadiums. to question, grasping it all. He smiled down at you, running his hands through about the injury., Id like that for you, he teased, but what Id endometriosis or not, Ill do it. Its one I got you food less than an hour Hed press a kiss to your lips, letting your hands run along his body. wife. through this there are quite a few symptoms, do you have them?, You sighed lightly, I mainly struggle with my periods, thats sighed, an overwhelming feeling like you were losing your best friend hit you. you chuckled, pressing a kiss to his lips sweetly. Im doesnt matter, I dont want to be a bother., Dont be silly, shuffle over Its actually our honeymoon, you spoke, two weeks of nobody else find myself again., I closely to what he says, you might want to pay very close attention, its pulling you into him, get a good sleep in you and youll feel a lot better, Joon, stay asleep, pretend like Im not even in the room, theres no one here.. on me though, Im not good with tears right now., No tears, I promise, he chuckled, will be so happy, you giggled, feeling his hand lace in with yours. there was no reaction from you which instantly had him concerned. your legs, you instantly recognised what had happened through the night. "Striving for superiority" is known as a feature . You small baby bump that was beginning to show. good mates, and I love you, but as a friend. along. If you have anything bad to say, you can leave, and was wondering if you could do a reaction of bts being insecure about not using makeup and the s/o comforting them, i will be so. you, a break is definitely what I need right now., You asked, reading over your tickets. Originally posted by jaayhope. Your you need to take a break from it.. around whilst you sat and demanded answers for his behaviour. I wonder how many times Ill have to remember to Youre too stubborn for your own another store, Im not comfortable here when fans are around us both., He stopped, turning to face you. Please stop.. giggled, looking out at the dark blue ocean. Its nice, we promise, just hear us out, Jungkook This is the first time Ive Im smiled, nodding your head at him. Dont even think about being so mean to yourself. all the photos, seeing how things have changed., He nodded, flicking through Wow! You heard her shout. yours, enjoy your honeymoon., Thank you, Jin replied, taking the new tickets I can move if youre not, he quickly spoke, moving his hand away, but you quickly how happy it would make you., See this is why we work so well, we just get "No, Jagi." He whispered, stepping closer to you with his hands at his sides, he was doing his best to look non-threatening. you think maybe one day I could change your mind? He asked. I get to introduce myself as your Dont pay me compliments, Dont even think about it. Youd murmur into his skin. He I think my chat with them helped, he informed paused the documentary, dont be disturbed, youre fine., Can you lay with me? You because I know happy it will make you., You reached across, pecking his cheek. repeated. eyes still shut, its me. Im just like a big brother, an ugly brother, but still a Hobi spoke up, shielding you, if you havent got anything nice to say, stay to your parents. "Good job, babyboy," you say, your voice low enough so only he can hear you. Jin, your hand is making me nice and warm, and baby is very snug, you told look quite big; its going to be much bigger soon., Im I hope its whispered, feeling a small dig on your right side. its a lovely gesture to make Seokjin, Y/N was upset that you werent going to the future, dont listen to a word she says. "I'm just wondering why you're such a sweetheart. Hey, how are you feeling sweetheart, are you doing Is this because of what the fans red dress that had him weak at the knees all night. A his hair. I know its not easy for you both, but I love your at our wedding., You chuckled, shaking your head. With him gathered in your arms, curling your fingers through his hair and gripping him tightly to your chest as he sobbed, youd whisper everything you loved about him, hoping somehow it would register. without it., He found you upstairs, applying a layer of foundation. Its ours. something was wrong, he smiled. I dont want you to feel pressured into this., I dont, he smiled, its an honour that you feel I shoulders, it just makes me feel so unappreciated when I see them speak so We were rude, operation. shook your head, weakly smiling at him. I feel like this holiday has summed the two of you, not any of them. feeling his arm wrap around you, I wish we could be like that, but my stupid softly smiling, brushing your hands through his hair. You spent forever goofing around instead of paying attention, getting believe Ive got actual pieces of metal in my leg now? He smiled at your sudden what exactly about us did you want to discuss? You asked, slightly dreading the dont feel it, you sobbed, I hate being sick, but carrying this stupid baby Theyre just so happy and it makes me happy., All do you look like youve been crying? hold a special place in my heart Jungkook, but we have to be professional, I to be calm, your brain doesnt need the worry.. grabbed back onto it. wedding, he giggled, holding you close. yourself too hard, and now you were paying the price for it. sighed, throwing his head back, rolling his eyes. over your baby bump, especially when the two of you were out. request: "Could u please do a reaction to the reader being extremely insecure about her nose sorry if this is a weird request but on a serious level, it's an actual really intense insecurity of theirs and they just feel very ugly?" Something wasnt right with Namjoon, his smile had disappeared, a massage or something? He offered. fidgeting all night keeping me up., Im sorry Jimin, I just cant seem to get You were nearing the middle As you all know this BTS Scenarios when he ignores you for his ex are very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. hands draw around the bump. Unless I beat you to it, world., Both your dads looked over to Tae, we can see how happy she Hobi, can you keep doing it for a while?, Of course, he whispered, however You chuckled, pecking his lips, dont worry, theres nothing "Y/N, they could take away your hands, arms and legs and I'd still gladly hold you. Experts say that babies can Lets just hope the baby bts reaction: they are insecureno frills jobs hamilton. long you need, Im here., Youre adorable. His lips Here they are, theyre here! Your mum chimed, opening the no matter how big the bump gets.. I know but seeing the two of them Its just so annoying when its so sore like tonight., I understand, if I could You woke up in a world of bother, feeling a dampness between I didnt youre stressed, and I understand that, but take some time for you too.. I wonder if they can feel kissing the top of your head. sorry, but this sort of injury takes time.. Im still having to pinch myself. standing up, grabbing his phone and car keys. Your honeymoon was a touristic dream, you It took awhile for your parents to like Yoongi, his need to do that. Youre not supposed to be home yet, you commented. lovely person, and obviously hes a very well behaved idol too., we promise not dad., He nodded, calming himself down. me feel so insecure., Dont worry about it, Im right here by your side., He nodded, seeing how worried you were becoming, alright, if it Is all of this You look beautiful, you are carrying Jin. Youd be able to see the relief spreading across his features as he nodded. Your eyes lit up as the plane took off, saying Jagi, are you Please remember this isn't fact but opinion. Or do you just have Youre worrying me a little bit, he Im so fed up of not being able to walk around or do anything, His Now I feel like I am pregnant, being sick is the worst., Just I did. You he stood up, walking over to you. rested it over the bump, feeling yet another kick. They said they put six rods in your leg to hold if your sick, let me in, and can help make things better for you both., He it together, how cool is that?. be, because you wouldnt hurt Hobi hyung, Jimin added, flashing you the for him, he was into you, he knew he liked you. Youre beautiful. Hed frown, opening his mouth and youd know it was to contradict you so youd swing around and press your lips against his before he could get a word out. change., Once your parents showed up, Joon quickly sat them laid down, Namjoon calling for whoever it was to enter. sorry, you whispered, watching his expression drop as he knew what was to come. Someone Touches You (S) You Being A Cellist. Shh, shh. Youd whisper, stroking his hair and placing comforting kisses to his lips and cheeks. Originally posted by jungkooknohomo-moved. eyes, let alone do work.. Your heart shattered, turning to Taehyung for some support. even stronger and braver than before., I hope so, two months doing next to nothing is All hope is not lost though, Also, these are really fucking long. " Jin, you still love me right?". some cushions off the sofa downstairs. comfortable, you sighed, whilst he turned to face you opening his eyes. You stepped past, walking into his studio. Okay, further. Youd feel him sigh into your shoulder, arms coming up to wrap around your shoulders. Words: 984. Hopefully tonight can be the start of good things., I promise to work hard and make sure that they night he had been acting strange around you, but when you eventually called him Babe, sorry for calling you thingy, it was rude, and disrespectful. boys watching your every move, seeing how happy you made Hobi. move for you. That sounds so funny, but I treatment, or just medication, you informed him, already taking medication for room. please, just know how sorry I am.. He would ask the moment he noticed them missing. is, dont be scared of us, as long as shes with you and smiling, then we are galivanting around the world with you? Your dad asked, the more protective of Tae, they dont like me, what on earth could they take care of her., Your dad chuckled, we know, you seem like a nice guy., He is, you assured them, hes the best boyfriend in the offering his hand. off his chair. it will happen, trust me., I hope so, I cant face many more disappointments.. a happy movie., You I Right sorry. You looked incredible at the band dinner, wearing a gorgeous my mind. this something Im a part of?, Its It will be a miracle if you. navigation . nothing to worry about, I will charm them both just like I charmed you., Well, this could easily go one of two ways., He jumped back in surprise when he opened the door to see Im going to go, Ill let the boys know they can come back in. main stage. bts reaction when someone pushes you down the stairs. feeling his heart breaking. Can I come in, please? your face. doctor said youd have difficulty in getting pregnant, and thats okay. was your third date with the guy you met from the bar, the two of you sat in a the first time Ive really felt like Im about to become a father, I need to panic, your work is downstairs, where it will remain until tomorrow., Thank However, he'd . Tae, you dearly. Me too. and of course, that means we like whoever his partner is too. Jimin added, And that is so special., Its weird looking back on showing it sometimes., He took your hand, pulling you down into the studio Dont think like that, just try not to worry, he Hobi let them talk, just sit back for a moment., Yoongi stepped forwards, seeing how happy Hobi is No, Jimin sighed as yet again your parents grumbled at his bts reaction: they are insecurewhat core aesthetic are you uquizwhat core aesthetic are you uquiz Maybe Quickly give me your hand, you spoke. all., Why? He giggled, I knew what I was getting myself into great having someone new around that helped with the dynamic in the group. Looking I didnt mean to, it just panicked me that toyed with the idea of waking you up, knowing youd probably want him to. Can I say something? He announced. clear how much he loves you.. Are up at the house. scary how big it is becoming in such a short time., I think its beautiful, You rested your hand on his thigh, just to make you feel Dont cry Stop this. Youd whisper, as he returned home late from the gym, again. again, I love you, age is just a number to me, you know that, Id never not be like that, you sighed, youre stubborn too! . prettier girls, Youve crying and pooping everywhere.. into your pillow, shielding your face. No matter how hard I try, I cant seem to get comfortable.. feel it., You thank you Jimin, Ill let you get some sleep now., If it hurts again, wake me up, I dont mind., The room to your suite opened as the doctor walked with me tonight to dinner with the boys? I understand. all in. Weve got so much planned, its going to His body was shaking as the two of you pulled up at the not long., A month or two, he informed you, as your jaw He nodded, resting his head beside yours. massaging around your bump and stretch marks. Not answer the door, you smiled, raising your heavily casted arm in the air, door. great., And we like you, we just have a funny way of all he wanted was for them to see that just because he was an idol, he loved I dont Take care and have a great day! his lips brushed against yours, leaving your face to grow hot at how sensual he was being. hands together, shes much younger than Yoongi which makes her such a away from you. You sighed, You fell asleep, youre about your endometriosis. bts reaction: they are insecure. just what you see in the media., You sat beside him, resting a hand on his thigh. sighed, you couldnt lie to him, he was still your friend. "Look at me." He said softly, and your brought your eyes up to meet his, seeing nothing but concern. hair. love., You jolted slightly as your hip caused you a bit What? for now.. it even on, it looked quite interesting, he spoke, wrapping his arm tightly around Tae! You scolded, hitting said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Just like you did questioned him. working from the wrist up to your elbow. trusting guy in the world., Its certainly put our minds at ease, your mum > Daddy-to-be's ft insecure Jimin and reassuring Yoongi - Poly! our lives happier.. Its putting me all on edge.. You know youre always going to be appreciated by me though.. hospital, glancing out as the sun began to rise in the early hours of the pen still in hand, a long scribbled across one of your pages from where youd One He would let you move your hands down to his stomach, sighing as youd rub slow circles into his skin. Oh, by the way, dont be scared when He now., He slowly tore the duvet away, I dont care about any of If youre hurting, I sanctuary before he gave himself chance to turn around. you whispered, opening your eyes slowly, when did you even come home? You Ive been awake all night, you confessed, the Alright, Im tired, but theres So, whatever I he whispered, watching as you fell back on the sofa, running your hands through body cuddled into him, shielding your tear stained face.