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BT Financial Group does not receive any commissions from Westpac as a . EEE producer registration number : WEE/AH0065TW, Reporting dangerous or hazardous damage you see in the street. If you pay it off early, youll also get a 1% discount, bringing it to 56.10. This could be that they send out an engineer or they can call you back with some tips to try if they think you dont need one. BT Super for Life offers two different insurance options: standard cover or customised cover. Your beneficiary, or beneficiaries, will receive your super and any insured death benefit if something happens to you. (charged by the fund manager), 0.34% p.a. Please use one of the customer service options listed above. + 0.03% p.a. The issuers of the products named on this website can be found in the relevant disclosure document. Your individual situation may differ and you should seek independent professional tax advice. OurPrivacy Statementexplains how we use cookies. Death cover ranges between $15,000 and $300,000. (charged by the manager), 0.18% p.a. Please check you entered your username and password correctly and try again. Message for former BT Business Super and BT Lifetime Super Employer Plan members: With the transfer to BT Super now complete, the way you access your super account online has changed. This information does not take your personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. *Note: BT Super for Life standard insurance has a pre-existing exclusion for a specific period. All costs are inclusive of GST unless otherwise stated. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future You've disabled JavaScript on the browser. Please don't send attachments by email as it is not secure. Adelaide SA 5001, 132 135- Investors These two options are detailed below. All examples and images are for illustrative purposes only. Through BT, you can access a range of solutions across super, investments and insurance, to help you plan for today and tomorrow. I need to contact BT about a guaranteed speed issue but I can only find an option of a phone number or an online live chat. BT Super - For Life: BTA0287AU: BT Super for Life - Retirement Account: BTA0280AU: Income Protection as Superannuation: 39827542991004: Panorama Super: 39827542991002: SuperWrap Pension Plan: TCS0105AU: SuperWrap Personal Super Plan: TCS0106AU: Term Life as Superannuation: 39827542991003: Westpac Group Plan - Defined Benefit: 39827542991001 While we aim to action all complaints as soon as possible well generally address your complaint within 45 days of receiving it. To contact us by live chat, email or phone, visit: Residential customers You're currently on the BT Business website so if you need phone numbers or chat for your home account, please contact BT on our home website. Find out more about how claiming a tax deduction works. How likely would you be to recommend finder to a friend or colleague? Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Chant West does not accept any liability whether direct or indirect, arising from use of the Information. Please refer to the AFCA website set out below for more information. How can I make a complaint. 13-09-2018 You can lodge a complaint using any of the options detailed above. Let us set everything up for you and leave you with one less thing to think about when moving house! Finder Wallet's services are not covered by the Australian Government Guarantee on Deposits. BT - Part of Westpac Banking Corporation. If you would like to contact BT about the specifics of your policy, you can contact BT by calling (02) 9274 5780. Providing or obtaining an estimated insurance quote through us does not guarantee you can get the insurance. We closed BT Super for Life in August 2022 for new customers. Please call us so we can arrange for you, or a family member, to talk to someone about your super in the language you understand best. on If you're unsure about anything, seek professional advice before you apply for any product or commit to any plan and read any disclosure documents (such as any Target Market Determination (TMD) and/or Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)) issued by the provider before making a decision. The sale of BT Super was dealt a blow last week, with the bank confirming reports that managing director of BT superannuation Melinda Howes was departing for family reasons, amid job cuts amid . BT Help | Get support with BT products and services | BT Help Help and support Having problems watching or accessing Sport? Australian Financial Complaints Authority Apart from any interest investors may have in Westpac term deposits, Westpac securities or the BT Invest CMA acquired through the BT Panorama products, an investment in a Super Product or a BT Panorama product or BT Margin Lending Margin Loan is not an investment in, deposit with or any other liability of Westpac, any Division of Westpac or any other company in the Westpac Group. You should also consider obtaining personalised advice from a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions in relation to the matters discussed hereto. You have been temporarily locked out. If your speed is slower than it should be, you can use this troubleshooter to report the problem or you can text HELP followed by your landline number to 61998. We have a range of cars and commercial vehicles for sale. BT is committed to providing great service and our people are dedicated to ensuring we help you achieve your financial goals. Identity verification on any device using your present methods have been locked for 20 minutes. This can make it difficult for consumers to compare alternatives or identify the companies behind the products. If youre having difficulty paying your bills, the first thing you should do is contact BT and let them know by calling 0800 0800 105. We are also a Corporate Authorised Representative of Countrywide Insurance Group Pty Ltd trading as "Austbrokers Countrywide" ABN 51 586 953 292 AFSL No. 14h28, on BT Super Invest Product Disclosure Statement(PDF), BT Super Invest Additional Information Booklet(PDF), BT Super Invest - Super Target Market Determination(PDF), BT Super Invest - Transition to Retirement (TTR) Target Market Determination(PDF), BT Super Invest - Pension Target Market Determination(PDF), BT Super Invest Investment Options Booklet(PDF). You should consider whether the products or services featured on our site are appropriate for your needs. If you've forgotten your username, don't worry. If youre switching to a TV and broadband package, you will have to contact your TV provider (if you have one) to cancel your current services. BT Super, BT Super for Life connecting to a new online experience - Have you recently received an email informing you that your BT Super or BT Super for Life account is connecting to a new online experience? A will can be challenged by the estranged family, especially if it resonates unreasonable outcome to their family and dependents. Keep me signed in. Read the disclosure documents for your selected product or service, including the Terms and Conditions, before deciding. BT will then also check your broadband speed and either give you tips to improve it or send out an engineer if you need one. I need to contact BT about a guaranteed speed issue but I can only find an option of a phone number or an online live chatI have autism and greatly struggle with talking on the telephone and find email a lot less distressing and easier to followIs there a customer service email address?? If your complaint relates to the handling of your personal information, you can escalate your complaint to the Office of Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). 1300 881 716 Post . As at September 2017 (source: 2017 Westpac Group Annual Report). BT Portfolio Services Ltd ABN 73 095 055 208 AFSL 233715 (BTPS) operates BT Invest and operates Panorama Investments and administers BT Super Invest and Panorama Super. However, a BT WiFi extender could be quite pricey. ","anchorName":"#what-are-the-bt-super-for-life-investment-options"},{"label":"What insurance cover is available with BT Super? We are not owned by any Bank or Insurer and we are not a product issuer or a credit provider. If this hasnt worked, it could be a problem with your device. To get the best experience from our website, we recommend that you enable JavaScript. How has your fund performed? The exact amount deducted will be confirmed in your annual statement. Were reader-supported and may be paid when you visit links to partner sites. 17h39, https://bt.custhelp.com/app/contact_email/c/1885. Lending criteria apply to approval of credit products. BT looks into all of its complaints in-depth to make sure all issues are put right and that it doesnt happen again. Westpac Financial Services Ltd ABN 20 000 241 127 AFSL 233716 (WFSL) is the responsible entity and issuer of interests in BT Managed Portfolios. It does not constitute tax advice and is based on current tax laws and our interpretation. BT Super Invest Product Disclosure Statement, BT Super Invest Additional Information Booklet, BT Super Invest - Super Target Market Determination, BT Super Invest - Transition to Retirement (TTR) Target Market Determination, BT Super Invest - Pension Target Market Determination, BT Super Invest Investment Options Booklet, $12.50 per trade, or 0.11% of the transaction value (if greater), 0.04% p.a. Please provide your full name, member number and best contact number including state area code with landline numbers. If you still need help, you can contact BT by texting CHECK followed by your landline number to 61998 where they will run tests and get back to you to help get your connection back up and running. Call 132 135 Things you should know BT Super forms part of Retirement Wrap ABN 39 827 542 991 ('Fund') and is issued by BT Funds Management Limited ABN 63 002 916 458, AFSL 233724 ('BTFM'), the trustee of the Fund. BT Super for Life offers two ways to invest your super depending on how hands-on you want to be. Create one Quick links Track your order > Report or track a fault > Pay a bill > Get help or contact us > Download the My BT App > Looking for BT Mail? You have been temporarily locked out. Please try after 20 minutes. Please provide your full name, member number and best contact number including state area code with landline numbers. OurPrivacy Statementexplains how we use cookies. Use the mobile app to keep track of employer contributions. @seraphim21 wrote:. The Executive Committee assists the chief executive to: develop group strategy and budget for approval by the Board. BT Super Invest is part of Panorama Super. Sign in. 19h39. You can find your member number online, by providing your: You can also find your member number in your online account, the mobile app or on your annual statement. While our site will provide you with factual information and general advice to help you make better decisions, it isn't a substitute for professional advice. If you are not a customer of one of the banks listed above, you can still sign up for a BT Super for Life account but will need to open a bank account first. I have spoken to them a while back and the phones are out of stock and they have no clue when they will be back in. GPO Box 2861 Call:1800 931 678 Email Login Page For the home For business and public sector For global business | UK Broadband TV Sport Mobile Gaming Discover BT Halo Help My BT Email Sign in BT ID or Email address Password Show Forgotten your login details? We noticed that you have JavaScript disabled on your web browser. Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714 (Westpac) is the issuer of the BT Invest Cash Management Account (BT Invest CMA). We use cookies for security purposes, to improve your experience on our site and tailor content for you. We try to take an open and transparent approach and provide a broad-based comparison service. GPO Box 1901 Melbourne VIC 3001 Target Market Determinations for our products can be foundhere. It is subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment of withdrawal proceeds and loss of income and principal invested. ","anchorName":"#what-are-the-key-features-of-bt-super-for-life"},{"label":"What are the BT Super for Life investment options? If you know your Customer ID / Number please enter it here to find the relevant contact details, 132 135- Members Payments can take 3-5 business days to appear in your account. BT Super Invest - Transition to Retirement (TTR) Target Market Determination (PDF). Calling from overseas: BT Portfolio Services Ltd ABN 73 095 055 208 (BTPS) administers Panorama Super. If youve decided to switch to BT broadband, there are two ways you can go about this. BT Super member FAQs Explore BT Super Corporate employer FAQs Explore Adviser support FAQs Explore Contact us Can't find the information you need or looking to speak to our friendly team? Because of this you should, before acting on this information, consider its appropriateness, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. Calling from overseas: on The following form allows you to search all of BT. Making Smart Life Decisions ft. Smart Women Society, Frequently asked questions about BT Super, Death and TPD plus salary continuance cover (also known an income protection insurance), Your personal details e.g. The premiums for standard death and TPD cover range from $2.21 per month to $47.73 per month (for females) and $4.71 per month to $57.44 per month (for males). on on As always, weve got you covered. Investor:1800 998 185, Monday to Friday,8:30am 7:00pm (Sydney time) Forgotten your login details? Add the VAT back on and that brings your cancellation fee to 67.32. 18-04-2020 We use cookies for security purposes, to improve your experience on our site and tailor content for you. Calling From Overseas:+612 9155 4070, BT Super for Life Should we be unable to resolve your concern at your first point of contact, we will then refer the complaint to our dedicated Customer Solutions team. Other management, transactional and operational costs may apply to an ETF, managed fund or managed portfolio option. If not do you know the model of the phone and I'll be happy to check for you. Your account number starts with 10 or 11 (and is 9 digits), Your account number starts with 40 (and is 9 digits), Your account number starts with a C0 (C zero), A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is available for each of the Super Products, BT Panorama products, and BT Margin Lending Margin Loan, and can be obtained by calling 132 135, or visiting the. Note: BT Super Invest is currently only available for existing Westpac customers. Full details are available on request. Finder Wallet operates the Finder Apps digital asset trading and wallet services. It might not seem like a huge priority when you're younger, but your super portfolio is the key to a secure, comfortable retirement. To the extent that any Information provided is advice, it is General Advice (s766B Corporations Act). If youre thinking of cancelling your BT broadband package, youll have to contact BT 30 days before you leave and let them know you want to cancel. Moving home with BT Self-directed investors who want greater control over their investment choice. Generally, you can access your super once you meet the conditions of release. 233722 (BTSL) and Westpac are together the issuers of the BT Margin Lending Margin Loan. E1 8EE, Registered in England and Wales No. Get a supercharge today! Compare your super balance against the average balance for your age group to see if yours is on track. Individuals should consider the appropriateness of any advice in light of their own objectives, financial situations or needs and should obtain a copy of and consider any relevant PDS or offer document before making any decision. BT Financial Group does not receive any commissions from Westpac as a . We also don't recommend specific products, services or providers. BT Financial Group does not accept liability for any loss or damage caused by the use of the Clearing House service. 21-04-2020 Assuming this is 15 per month, that would take off 60 (154), leaving 56.67. on When products are grouped in a table or list, the order in which they are initially sorted may be influenced by a range of factors including price, fees and discounts; commercial partnerships; product features; and brand popularity. This package comes with a speed guarantee, stronger routers, double BT Mobile data, and up to 3 free WiFi discs to improve your speeds. Below are some links to BT pages that deal with these conditions: Go to our email log in page > to log in to your BT Mail inbox. Investment, super and insurance solutions to empower our customers to build and protect their wealth. If you need to write to us, please check the back of your bill for the right address to use. Please read our website terms of use and privacy policy for more information about our services and our approach to privacy. Sydney NSW 2001, 1300 784 207 To contact us by live chat, email or phone, visit: You're currently on the BT Business website so if you need phone numbers or chat for your home account, please contact BT on our home website. BT Super Request to transfer whole or partial balance of superannuation benefits to your self managed super fund (SMSF) BT Customer Relations 132 135 customer.relations@btfinancialgroup.com BT Funds Management Limited ABN 63 002 916 458 AFSL 233724 RSE L0001090 is the Trustee of BT Super ABN 39 827 542 991 RSE R100132. | BT is the wealth management brand of the Westpac Group . 13-09-2018 Hello Contact us on 1800 682 525 Monday to Friday 8 am - 7 pm (AEST/AEDT). When youre with BT moving home, its easy to bring all of their services with you. by third parties. What has been your return over the last 10 years with the BT super fund. Re: Is there a way to contact BT via email? GPO Box 2861 14h24. Slow broadband speeds? For further details, please refer to the relevant disclosure document(s) for the ETF, managed fund or managed portfolio option. It is recommended that you talk this with legal experts who can help you get a clearer understanding on the right path to take. . If you are unsatisfied with our response to you, or the complaints handling process itself, or you did not receive a response within the required time frame, you may be eligible to take your complaint to an external complaints body. Utility Switchboard is a free service provider of UK utility-industry advice and price comparison. Optional, only if you want us to follow up with you. You can update your postal or residential address, email address and home phone number by logging in to your or mobile app and selecting my details. ","anchorName":"#what-insurance-cover-is-available-with-bt-super"},{"label":"How do I join BT Super for Life? If your broadband speed reads faster in some areas of your home than in others and BT have decided not to send out an engineer, you can get a BT WiFi extender to help boost the speeds, especially in rooms further away from the router. Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 7:00pm (Sydney time) Request a callback Mail: GPO Box 7490, Cloisters Square WA 6850 Insurance Call 1800 025 127, Monday to Friday, 8:00am - 6:30pm (Sydney time) Underwriting Email: gold.life@BTFinancialgroup.com Fax: 02 9274 5764 Mail: GPO Box 5467, Sydney NSW 2001 Administration Email: Calling From Overseas:+612 9155 4070. Alternatively, you can use the troubleshooter by signing into your My BT to run your own tests and report the problem.