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The lower the VOC content, the fewer chemicals the product contains. Limit your exposure to fumes by working outside or in a well-ventilated area. thats good to know! Most paints and sealants give off toxic fumes that may be dangerous to your unborn baby. Therefore, they can enhance the side effects of other medications, resulting in worse conditions. is it safe for me to be using wood stain to stain the baby crib or will it cause harm to the baby? i think it stained the back of my jeans a little bit. For more information and advice, call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 to speak to a maternal child health nurse. Most paint contains solvents (petroleum-based chemicals) that can cause health problems if you inhale too much of them. So, lets decipher other stain fumes effects. In addition, make sure that open flames remain far away from the stain. But if pregnant, these effects could be severe and cause major developmental defects in the fetus; not just as a result of high levels of exposure at low levels too. The materials theyre added to could be anything from plastics to other flammable materials such as textiles. Good luck. Ensure that you also wipe off the excess stain immediately. However, please wait for the stained wood to dry for at least a month before using the sealer. Just depends on how long, heating method, fuel cost, and how much you change out the air. While most wood stains are safe for minor or interior applications, they have a very strong smell that is irritating. Is my baby going to be okay?! Thank you for sharing our content. The products have low odor and fewer VOCs. These fumes can certainly trigger conditions like asthma. Charcoal masks or surgical masks will not protect you from these chemicals. . But the fact that it enters the blood stream means that it could enter your fetuss, which is a problem and could cause arsenic poisoning and subsequently fetal toxicity if you have high levels of arsenic in your blood. Im in the. Some VOCs may also cause nervous system and organ . I cranked the windows open. Theyre regarded to be public enemy number one, but what exactly are they? Left at 5:45 AM to go to gym to shower and then to go to work, so was not there for that long--maybe 7 hours (again after it was pretty muchdried before I got home). Weighted blankets are they safe for kids or during pregnancy? Unfortunately, stain fumes persist for a long, long duration, and you'll end up inhaling the fumes. i re stained some of the floors in my house because they were looking patchy and ive been fine. If you do decide to refinish furniture, take these precautions: If you're required to refinish furniture as part of your job, meet with an industrial hygienist or occupational medicine physician to talk about safe work practices, such as wearing personal protective equipment. It would be best to do in a well ventilated space and to use liquid stain instead of aerosol sprays. Usually pesticides used in the home and for professional pest treatments are safe. You should also wear a mask and work in a well-ventilated area. Elizabeth Millard is a freelance journalist specializing in health and wellness. The chemical element, arsenic, is a naturally occurring element which is found in many minerals. Wood stain fumes. As we can see, wood stain poisoning is quite dangerous. Most modern stains are still fairly low in VOC's and should not cause problems with the baby. Also, you may experience a burning sensation or general irritation. Therefore it would be best to beware of: The best way to get rid of these fumes is to avoid stinky stains. So why have they recently gotten a bad rap? Please avoid making the person throw up unless under the instruction of a healthcare provider or poison control. Also, the discomfort may manifest as severe abdominal cramps or pain. I know this is an old post but how did everything turn out ? Im going to discuss the potentially harmful effects of lead in this article, in addition to a number of other materials and chemical elements, which, if youre pregnant, you should steer clear from. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. i stained a bunch of stuff preggoi did wear a mask but you were not exposed long-you are fine. Petroleum-derived solvents are damaging, including the extraction of petroleum, shipping, and manufacturing into chemicals and solvents, requiring a large amount of energy. Fumes from cleaning products can also make you feel sick, dizzy or nauseous and cause irritation in the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. This helped, I just stained a gift for my hubby for our anniversary, and I started to freak out. They are doing a 2nd coat of stain. Even more, it may not click how the fumes may affect a third party who does not come into contact with the stain can. It is also worth noting that the wood stain is very flammable when in liquid form. However, more important would be an examination by a pulmonary doctor if one is ". E. Erspring25. Refinishing furniture can expose you to solvents that may have risks for your baby. So, you wonder what could be some of the wood stain fumes side effects, or how youd remedy the situation. So its best to use nail polishes that dont have formaldehyde. Even worse, ingesting toxic stains can lead to a severe nervous breakdown and collapsing. The effects of toluene exposure during pregnancy could include: growth retardation, premature birth, malformations and general fetal toxicity. Im in the same situation and worried. Dyes can penetrate the wood and pigments sit on top of the wood like paints. There have been a few studies that have revealed that these chemicals could cause miscarriage or fetal abnormalities; sticking to bottled or filtered water would be the safest way to go during pregnancy. Keep all household poisons up high in locked cupboards. Theyre not actually a specific thing not a bunch of chemicals or anything like that. These PCBs were widely used in the past in many different industries, predominantly in electrical equipment. You can also invest in eco-friendly, odor-free, and low VOC formulas. You can begin the safety journey by always adhering to the usage instructions associated with any household products. 1997-2023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. Many symptoms of being exposed to polyurethane mimic allergies. Therefore many pregnant women know not to smoke or drink but are clueless when it comes to the other dangerous materials, and there are many. With that in mind, here are four dangers of exposure to polyurethane fumes. Let the air in Ensure that the room is well-ventilated when you're doing all the work so that the paint fumes don't linger inside. I called my doctor and he said it shouldn't be an issue as long as the area is well ventilated and I'm not there when they are sanding the walls. High levels of lead in the body can affect the health of unborn babies and children. Australia. Tonight I was invited to a board and brush event where you stain and paint a wooden item of some kind. When we redid our floors, the poly killed all the plants in our house!!! Again, I will definately not be there, but also not sure how long I should stay away. We appreciate you reading this article, and you can also share it and comment below for any questions. If youre in a major city or any urban environment for that matter, youre at risk from a higher level of exposure. Read product labels before you select a product, especially for indoor stains. Keep the windows as open as you can for about two to three days after staining the room. After curing, wood stains are generally considered safe and non-toxic, even . In this respect its also a teratogen has a toxic effect which could cause severe malformation of the embryo or fetus. Thanks so much, I feel better. Its added to drinking water in order to kill off germs and bacteria that might cause contamination and therefore risk public health. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies. Wood stains generally have solvents, pigments, and binders. Here is the questiion. do I go home this evening around 10 and sleep there, or do I rent a hotel? Wood stains poisoning has obvious signs and symptoms. I mean in my throat, mouth, nose, chest. How Long Does it Take for Wood Glue to Dry? In addition, the stain is only dangerous during the application and drying process. Your email address will not be published. Its used in agriculture and in industrial process, but many countries have banned it from being used in residential settings. Children's curiosity can lead to danger, such as unintentional poisoning. I don't think what you have done so far will be harmful, but I'm not sure about the water based poly. It can also lead to serious health problems in small children because they are more likely to put mothballs in their mouths. If you have a task that involves chemicals (such as some types of cleaning), ask someone else to do it. Health risks and effects of breathing paint fumes. Just dont do that again! This is when the baby's abdominal wall doesn't form properly, causing the intestines to develop outside the body. Along with degrading interior air quality, they potentially lead to nausea, breathing issues, headaches, irritations of the throat and eyes, breathing issues. Also, ensure that they generate fewer VOCs or harmful fumes. Also, the fumes may alter the nervous system and lead to brain damage. Growth and development occurs rapidly, and even slightest thing could have dire consequences. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. They give off a very strong smell. Headaches. Drink some water or milk as you watch out for symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea. Sometimes you are so eager to stain the floors of your house before thanksgiving or the arrival of a baby, only to realize that the formula produces a long-lingering and overpowering smell. If you are worried, call the Poisons Information Hotline on 13 11 26. Additionally, the stomach discomfort from the fumes may cause you to vomit. exposed to stain and polyurethane pregnancy. That said, please note that various stains feature different toxicity levels. So, the effects may be severe in some and mild in others. Petrol spills and exposure due to substances at landfill sites these are a major cause of exposure. Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. Most PBDEs are no longer used as a flame retardant, because the dangers of the ethers have been well documented. Well, its not so ideal in its powdered form. As a powder, it's potentially extremely hazardous when burnt as it can release toxic fumes. Even so, you can darken the wood slightly by brewing a strong cup of black tea. Aside from the dust and fumes, refinishing your hardwood BEFORE the baby is born is a bad idea, IMO. Unfortunately, the above is not the only health effect of stain fumes. In addition, lay the rug flat to dry as it has a chance of spontaneously combusting. You fit into the category of threatened miscarriage. So thats not the sole reason BPA makes this list. It would be best not to ignore the few toxins in water-based products. Since prevention always supersedes cure, it is wise to minimize your exposure to toxic stain fumes. Choose a water-based paint and a paint brush or roller rather than spray (which contains solvents). I couldn't stay for 2 nights because of our one-level condo and no ventilation. Exposure during pregnancy to glycol ethers and chlorinated solvents and the risk of congenital malformations. To be on the safe side, wear gloves and avoid breathing in fumes from products such as oven and tile cleaners. Respiratory difficulties, which become severe if you inhale the chemical for a long duration. Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website. Therefore, genetically predisposed persons are at a high risk of manifesting the disease. But they rarely go into depth and discus specific materials and substances chemicals, toxins and elements that make certain products bad for your health if youre pregnant. Wood stains have 3 main components including pigment or dye, binders, and solvents. In the above scenario, the best thing to do is to ensure proper ventilation. Its safe to have your clothes dry cleaned when youre pregnant. Research into paint exposure during pregnancy hasn't shown consistent results. Navigating your way through the guidebooks of parenting and how best to prepare you fetus for entering this world as a healthy baby well, its a tricky thing to do to say the least. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 69: 493-499. [Accessed October 2021]. *call charges may apply from your mobile. Fish such as white tuna, shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish may seem healthy, like a good source of protein, which they are, but theyre also loaded with mercury. Exposure can occur due to a number of means, including inhalation of lead from contaminated air, water, food, or direct exposure. It's important to keep your exposure to lead as low as possible. it obviously doesnt smell great but it shouldnt harm your baby. Most wood stains are not tested for food safety, and therefore cannot be labeled food safe, but are manufactured to comply with FDA regulations for food safety. Breathing issues. Good luck. Dial 000 To ventilate, place the main source of the strong stain smell outside during the day. Lead is a chemical element which is found in a number of different products used in and as a part of various different production and manufacturing processes. The floors were finished on a Wednesday and we returned to the house 6 days later on a Tuesday. These solvents are commonly used in dry cleaning, as glue solvents, paint thinners and they have many other uses. Also, these applications need the formula attributes to weather the storm and offer longevity. If pregnant and exposed to PCBs, theres evidence to suggest the baby might be born with lowered cognitive ability, may be immune compromise, and might display motor control problems. Water-based stains are an excellent alternative if you want to reduce your risk exposure during application. Long-term exposure is what should cause alarm. Check out these two product types in detail. Support for this browser is being discontinued for this site. The amount of formaldehyde in nail polish is very small and quickly broken down by the body, however adverse effects on the baby cannot be ruled out. Then tomorrow they are doing water based poly. Create an account or log in to participate. Some stains give off an overwhelming pungent smell that can lead to nausea and dizziness. I have done many, many projects while pregnant. Jump in the fray! Worsening allergy and asthma symptoms. Paint/wood stain fumes. (if you have any!) I just stained a piece of wood trim and am now freaking out because I read the can and it said TOXIC!!! Also, wait for the finish to dry well before getting or staying in the room. Therefore, you will not pose a threat to your health. Nausea. But you can explore other food-safe wood stain options for your kitchen project. But too much exposure/ingestion of fluoride could be toxic. Next, switch on table fans, exhaust fans, and overhead fans to encourage air circulation. Thats because we now know of its environmental impact and the effect it has on human health. Thus, youll have difficulty breathing. The downside of these stains is that they are more pricey than oil-based ones. Young children put everything in their mouths, including household poisons, chemicals and medicines. Also, please seek medical attention if you notice more pain or problems with your vision. This attribute makes them quite uncomfortable for a woodworker without mouth, eye, and face protection. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. Oh and don't forget about your pets! Not sure if it's the same was flooring but I just thought I'd share. They have to post warnings, but as long as you are not directly breathing the fumes or exposing yourself to them for long periods you should be fine. Consider taking frequent breaks, where you go outside to get some fresh air. Some of the problems include burns in the food pipe or esophagus. Australia. entering. Since we returned, I have been staying with friends to avoid fumes. A lot of research has been done of late, and we now know that there are numerous health risks associated with exposure to phthalates. Guide in Absorbing Strong Wood Stain Odors, 103 Pallet Bar DIY Plans & Ideas to Inspire You, How to Get Rid of Wood Borers (Step-by-Step Guide), Effective Ways To Prevent Wood Infestation, Watch Out: Signs of Wood-Destroying Insects and How To Eliminate Them. As the wood stain dries, the solvents evaporate, releasing volatile organic compounds or VOCs, contributing to air pollution and causing health problems. Tonight I was invited to a "board and brush" event where you stain and paint a wooden item of some kind. Force the dust outside by opening a window and turning on a fan facing the open window. I've talked to my mom and they didnt have nearly the rules and worries during their pregnancy. BPA is an organic synthetic compound which is currently used in the plastics and resin manufacturing processes. 2012. But animal studies have shown that DDT can be harmful; embryos failing to attach to the uterus lining, high mortality rate if the babys born, etc. While there is no evidence that asbestos can affect your pregnancy or result in a congenital disorder, you should avoid contact with asbestos or suspected sources of asbestos at any time. Its the mercury in fish that youve got to be wary of. Another major application of fluoride is in the dental industry. In addition, off-gassing can last a long duration even after the shine from the stain fades. Is it safe to do wood staining while pregnant? Maternal occupational exposure to organic solvents during early pregnancy and risks of neural tube defects and orofacial clefts. Babies often rub their eyes when they are tired. This presents a problem, although the major source of human exposure is through diet. In addition, you will still suffer some discomfort after ingestion. I leaned against the wall of a house and noticed that it was a bit damp. exposed to stain and polyurethane pregnancymr patel neurosurgeon cardiff 27 februari, 2023 . . Just limit the amount you eat one to two portions a week, max. They must carry out a risk assessment and find ways to reduce your exposure. floor refinishing and pregnancy. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. Liquid wood stain uses harmful solvents to remain in liquid form and to remain together. I tried to wear a mask but I swear I couldn't breathe with that thing on, it was probably doing me more harm than good. But thats enough of that scientific jargon. This isn't a common problem with paint, though; paint is thick and children rarely swallow much. Prolonged exposure to these toxic fumes could result in brain damage or even death. That's the latest advice from experts to Australians who have an attached adult tick. Application with brush, spray can. However, they also include toxic chemicals that pose harm to human health. However, the risk of harm is higher if you have stains with solvents instead of water. Wood stain fumes are harmful to human health, but there are things you can do to prevent risking your health and safety. Allow me to add that these ingredients are essential in helping the stains perform their role. Therefore, they become a gate for the toxic fumes in your body. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. If pregnant, these chemical plasticizers could cause a number of issues, and theyre even linked to pregnancy loss. A message has been sent to your recipient's email address with a link to the content webpage. Why is this metal so dangerous to human health? Sudden reduction in blood pressure or hypotension. Thats because its toxic to humans; frequent and high exposure leads to acute toxicity. Proper ventilation is very important until the strong smell of wood stains fade. BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. From hair dye to house paints, there are a few products or lifestyle habits pregnant women and their partners should be cautious of during pregnancy.