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The Bible code, also known as the Torah Code, is a method described as a "hidden code" of selecting Equidistant Letter Sequences from within the 3,300 year old Hebrew Bible that form words and phrases that demonstrate foreknowledge and prophecy. Michael Drosnin, The Bible Code, Simon and Schuster, NY, 1997. ABD Pro is the ultimate solution to find significant . dropslide=eval(temp) ELS random placement model text population*, Elokim : An example of Equidistant Word Sequences (EWS), Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Letter Sequences, Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Word or Expression Sequences (Primers), User Guide, FAQ and Video demo available online, compatible with Michigan-Clairmont transliteration scheme, Export your findings (matrix, legend and report) in bmp or jpg format, Save your work in a Project File and load it when you want to resume work, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Control Texts : Torah and Tanakh monkey texts, War and Peace, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, NEW! Feb.23, 2016 Newsletter USA Secretary of State, John Kerry testified to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and said that there is a "Plan B" of military action in Syria. Ch. (Direct): Prophecies that were given directly to me via either reading the bible with the special divine gift of truly understanding scripture, or via dream, or via the gift of prophecy, or divine revelation or Jesus speaking to me via The Holy Ghost, etc. better than all the others that have no upgrades since many years. bible code your name and see in Hebrew Gematria equals 1051: b 2 i 9 b 2 l 20 e 5 0 c 3 o 50 d 4 e 5 0 y 400 o 50 u 200 r 80 0 n 40 a 1 m 30 e 5 0 a 1 n 40 d 4 0 s 90 e 5 e 5. bible code your name and see in English Gematria equals 1302: b 12 i 54 b 12 l 72 e 30 0 c 18 o 90 d 24 e 30 0 y 150 o 90 u 126 r 108 0 n 84 a 6 m 78 e 30 0 a 6 n 84 d 24 . When people ask about the Bible codes, they are usually referring to one specific type of code that received widespread publicity after a paper about it was published in the scientific journal Statistical Science.1 The way the modern-day Bible codes work is by picking a starting point within scripture and then selecting letters from the text at equal intervals. I concluded the article by asserting that the prophetic vision of Zechariah 4 is (on one level) an allegorical picture of the Old and New Testament literature (symbolized by the two olive trees who are Moses and Elijah) being merged together to become one unified testimony of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible, which is symbolized by the golden candlestick. Michael Drosnin, author of the Bible Code books, in an undated photo. Luke 21:20 God's Objective in recording the Bible is ___ and ____ (spell it out fully, no acronyms!) If we collect any info, we don't make any profit from such info as we're a nonprofit. fadeimages[3]="images/3-moth bible code-coccon.gif" epidemic in 40 years! Also, Jesus led me to prophesy in advance that there would be a fake Jesus to appear in the sky that would occur on April 1, 2018, but that it would really be the demonic Son of Perdition "antichrist". Though you may link to our site, do not copy, use, or replicate in anyway our hard work without prior written authorization as we charge $10,000 a day. To link to this page from your website, simply cut and paste the following code to your web page. In that article I went on to explain how Moses and Elijah function within the biblical canon as personifications of the Old and New Testaments, and I showed how this can be biblically demonstrated in multiple ways. Each chapter contains full Scriptural references. Read as much of this website as possible. 1, The Wise Shall Understand; Ch. Contemporary discussion and controversy . The WESTWARDS THE PLENARY RAYMOND ME RAY YAH THREATENERTHUS TO SIGNAL. function rotateimage(){ Will This program is a Java GUI that supplies a Bible verse (s) and an associated challenge as well as some features like journaling and customizable settings. They are striking one another! -1- -2- -3- -4- (-5-) Iran has been striking targets for several weeks now! 3, 429-438. No Torah Code Researcher can dispute this finding. Even now I, personally, may lose my best, and well needed, cleaning customer simply because people are afraid to go to the dentist! The Bible Code opens with a stunning moment: The author, having discovered a biblical passage suggesting that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel would be assassinated, hops on a plane in 1994 to deliver a letter of warning. The Bible code, also known as the Torah code, is an alleged set of encoded-words hidden within the Hebrew text of the Torah, that according to its proponents, have seemingly predicted significant . While there are many out there who make false Conservatively, the odds of predicting accurately when some named storm CLICK HERE (The Gospel), For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life., Israel Video Tour (CBN): Tel Aviv and Israels Coastline, The Great American Eclipse (August 21 September 22, 2017), Worldwide End Times Signs [The Two Preachers]. back then, I was able to accurately predict when the two separate waves Barry Simon on Torah Codes 3. How to find a statistically significant matrix ? In this vision Zechariah is shown a golden candlestick (like the one for the tabernacle described in Exodus 25:31-40) with a golden bowl on top of it, with seven golden pipes connecting the bowl to each of the seven lamps. The predictions were made years ahead of time. clearInterval(dropslide) if (ie4||dom) - Watch Feb. 23, 2008 (True Purim) for possible event. of predicting when 20 named storms would occur in the 2011 season The Bible Code- An Introduction. Nor do they accurately reflect the surface text in which they //For full source code and more DHTML scripts, visit Glazerson relies on a concept known as Bible Codes, sequences, clusters and complex word associations found in the Torah and believed by some to contain hidden messages that were placed there. People should not discount the importance of this week's events. John 14:15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sins. Code researchers use computer programs like, Bible Code Software:, CodeFinder Millenium Edition: And so on. Download Latest Version for Windows Bible Code - Learning Bible Terminology 1/3 The Divine Coders Bible Code software was designed by trained professionals for the average consumer. This is best summarized in John 3:16, which says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. He didn't.) Michael Drosnin. I recommend joining the Torah Codes Groups on Facebook and VK to stay up to date with the latest discoveries from the worlds top Torah Code Researchers. How He returns (like lightning from East to West) and scripture confirmation of where He returns (Countries of the Eagles). that is at the middle of the predicted seven-year period. Material things were of no importance to him, said Barbara Drosnin, his sister. Between inexperienced skeptics and prophesying believers only Advanced Bible Decoder Pro will help you with statistical tools in your own opinion, so don't wait any longer :Download ABD Pro now ! Thus, the moth upon the branch represents the demands of the Law, but the branch represents the cross upon which Jesus died to pay for the demands of the Law. The codes are dreadful and fearful until Christ becomes their focus---and the mist ABD Pro is the ultimate solution to find significant matrices. of all, they do not proclaim Jesus as Lord! Bible Study Pro v.1.4.6 Bible Study Pro 1.4.6 offers you a free program which satisfies you with 100s of Bibles, 1,000s of resources, maps and commentaries including all popular Bibles. Repent of all traditional Babylonian doctrines. timing of Saddam (and Video). A Primer on the Torah Codes Controversy for Laymen 4 . function resetit(what){ Code. fadeimages[1]="images/2a-worm-moth bible code.gif" . Since then many codes have been found that prove beyond doubt that God authored and encoded the original Torah and Tanakh (remaining books of the Old Testament). 20:7-9), SARS/Moth Bible Code He, fully God, became fully man for us! Also see the predictions and subsequent He ate with Him, rubbed shoulders with Him, saw His miracles first-hand, heard His many sermons, was present . Hallelujah! Download your free copy and take advantage of the best in Bible Code. The theomatics code in the Bible has opened up the entire BIG picture as to why this world exists and why each person has been born. Pray about whether you should stock up any supplies (food, water, tents, etc) for the Great Tribulation. Ezek.38 Rev.11:2 Dan. tempobj=ie4? It is a video of a cloud, but not just any cloud. WESTWARDS THE PLENARY RAYMOND ME RAY YAH THREATENER, As most of you know, Raymond Elwood Lear was falsely imprisoned (. Can you even begin to imagine what it will be like? As most of you know, Raymond Elwood Lear was falsely imprisoned (Matthew 25:36), and was removed from the United States to the "International Zone" between El Paso Texas and Ciudad Jurez Mexico. (Also see, "Why signs?"). } Most people are blind to this war, but that doesn't mean that the war is not real. Dan.11:40 Isa.7:8;17:1 Rev.13:3 (War actually begins here, but not the invasions of Israel & American allies yet.) Therefore, each Biblical word is coded with a unique number. In fact, even before you finish typing the phrase bible codes, the search feature instantly displays a list of suggested keyword phrases that other people are also searching with great frequency regarding the Bible codes. var preloadedimages=new Array() But these are the most unreliable. Feb.16, 2016 Newsletter Israeli Defense Force Chief "rabbi" made world news headlines by dancing with a radical extremist "rabbi". tempobj.innerHTML='
' bolically is where "the eagles be gathered" (Matthew 24:28). for (p=0;p