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In summary, the Hierophant tarot card depicts a powerful figure who represents religious authority and knowledge. I read the Nine as the person is troubled. And if you love enough to give love, then you will receive more in return. The Hierophant Tarot card often speaks to group membership or being part of an institution. Others may question your motivations to go against tradition, but you know deep within that now is the time. Institutions govern and influence all aspects of life, from our relationships to our sense of spirituality to the course of our career. Knight Despoiler "The Hierophant" - Faithful Sons Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it House of the Hierophant Long term potential is seen is this central card. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Auntyflo.com is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. In its most positive form, The Hierophant Reversed reminds you that you are your own teacher. This might be new or re-kindled relationships. Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. Not only does he represent the institutions that uphold these values, but the values themselves. An unconventional partner or relationship style, one that breaks societal norms and expectations. The High Priestess has knowledge that she chooses to withhold revealing until it suits her. He raises his right hand in a religious blessing, with two fingers pointing towards Heaven and two towards Earth. Because people depend on him and turn to him to seek out his wisdom and lean on his strength, he can never falter or express himself frivolously or spontaneously. This is why prayer is so important in most religions. A strongly bonded physical relationship. The card is about rituals, prayers, meditation, mental energy, and studying. At the same time, this position can represent the need for new knowledge and the freedom to explore such realms with an open mind. The Hierophant Tarot card is a symbol of established religious beliefs and practices. This intuition is the kind that actually stretches forth from our human desire to participate in religious beliefs, which require that overarching hierarchy. The tripe cross is a symbol of religious rulership, as well as of the holy trinity of the father, the son and the holy ghost. the hierophant attraction. The reversed Hierophant Tarot card signifies freedom of both thought and behaviour. The first card in major arcana not representing an individual like the child, mother, father, creative force. The crossed keys at The Hierophants feet represent the balance between the conscious and subconscious minds and the unlocking of mysteries, which only he can teach. If you had the options, you may have been able to solve many of your organizations problems, but they may be stubborn to keep things done their way. As these both energies are inter-related. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. Often taking on the form of a figure with hands raised to express an act of benediction. It is representative of the need to be accepted by society, of conforming to the norms presented all around us. You are not yet willing to go out on a limb or offer any new and innovative ideas. And same is with sex. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. He sits between two pillars of a sacred temple as he guides us here on Earth with his scepter raised to heaven while pointing two fingers towards earth. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! Sometimes this card is representative of feeling like an outcast, judged by society and sometimes this is the card that represents ones own desires to be a part of the religious world. So thats all from me, Im sure you too have some thing more to add to this post. The Hierophant symbolizes a period of constantly growing trust and attraction of partners to each other, when the ideal becomes more and more elevated, and the partnership itself changes for the better under the influence of the system of moral values and personal virtues of each. This card will usually come up when it is time for you to focus on helping one another. This means there will be a traditional approach to a relationship and it can mean that they think you are the one. It can also mean that this person is thinking that the other is more than just a fun time! Adorned with holographic gold edges. Usually, this card will come up when dealing with intense emotion and can signify the need for counseling or guidance. Novel ways of making money, whether its a side hustle you dont really understand, or new financial products, may cause problems for you; avoid gambling with your money. Tarot eBooks. The Hierophant is a father/minister or a work mentor. If it is a female consultant, it is replaced by Card . Seen through the prism of the Tarot, the Hierophant is the energy of the status quo. They may be well connected. Reflecting on new interests, decisions, excitement and provide a development of self. The Hierophant is a sign that you should follow tradition and wise advise. Detailed meanings of The Hierophant. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. In historical tarot decks, the Hierophant card was called the Pope. Rather than relying on outdated systems, he encourages you to take creative steps forward and establish a new path that takes into account our individual needs. Whether pulled upright or in reverse, according to Alexander, the Hierophant can often appear in a reading when the querent is questioning things like traditions, beliefs, religion, ideas, systems, structures, and so forth. Also there are certain combos of cards that show Love, sexual attraction and only sexual lust. The Hierophant is associated with the Taurean energy. Emotional issues come into the spread when the Hierophant is present. Each teaching has something special to offer and empower from - make sure it's one that feels true and brings light to your spiritual journey! His wisdom is considered to be of divine proportions, and his authority is impossible to deny. You only need to cast one glance at the Hierophant Major Arcana Tarot card to gather that The Hierophant is a powerful male archetype, a much revered leader. What people always want to know is that whats truly infused with Love as well as balanced sexuality. Please share it in comments below. Someone who lives by their own rules but could come and go as they please in your life. While conventions may seem dated or restictive, there are times when the traditional-approach is best approach. This card is also about rules and obeying them. Ultimately, like any other Tarot card, the Hierophant is a mirror in which we can view and learn about ourselves. The love of nature, love of God and the love of ones neighbors are a part of the hierarchies housed within higher source energy. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. The Hierophant in the Egyptian (Grand Etteilla) tarot. Sometimes referred to as "the Pope" in particular decks, the Hierophant can indicate you're "following an organized belief system and its structure, abiding by the rules, and that doing so gives you a sense of security," she tells mbg. The spiritual structures and orthodoxy of The Hierophant encourage conformity in spiritual evolution. He wears three robes red, blue and white and a three-tiered crown, both representing the three worlds over which he rules (the conscious, sub-conscious and super-conscious). As a person, we often seek out a Hierophant like one seeks solace; we find in them the amortization of pain, or joy and life-changing glory. Often associated with The Pope, The Hierophant is responsible for passing down spiritual knowledge and tradition.The High Priestess and Hierophant are like the divine feminine and . These are some of the cards in Tarot Pack that show Love. The Hierophant reversed symbolizes non-conformity, rebellion, ignorance, and unconventionality with traditional rules and values. Partners might be appearing loyal, yet they are loyal due to their sexual instincts. In the Tarot de Marseille, they refer to this tarot card as The Pope. If you have already mastered a particular field of study, you may be taking on the role of teacher and mentor to others. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Numbers in Tarot How Numerology Unlocks the Cards, A Three Card Tarot Spread for Any Occasion, The Best and Worst Questions to Ask Tarot. Order my full book on Amazon! The Hierophant means. All Rights Reserved. This will greatly improve your health. Love and Sexuality is a common part of every humans life. The act of being compassionate, of giving over your faith to a higher power to help those we love or those we dont know provides a reverence and humbleness that is important to improve ones character. The tall crown seems to function as a continuation of the staircase, lifting him even closer towards the divine realm, from which he draws his ultimate authority. As Alexander explains, this card here can mean you're likely to choose jobs that offer security, status, and moneyand will garner conventional respect or authority. Or whether the relationship is vaguely based on sexual attraction. The Chariot uses reason to feel out feelings. The fifth Tarot card is like a reflection of the Priestess. All the wisdom you seek comes from within not from some external source or power. You see alternative ways of viewing the world and are ready to test the very ideas and concepts you were taught were the truth. The cycles of nature are fundamental truths. You aretempted to try unorthodox approaches or to function in a way which defies social ties and norms. There is also personal power and the need to figure things out yourself. So if you asked about a challenge you're currently going through, or may be approaching, it could have to do with resistance to those structures and how to best forge your own path. On either land or water, it can gouge the players with its trident, summon Mofish, and leap into the air for a pounce attack. If so, you have come to exactly the right place. In his left hand, he holds the Papal Cross, a triple sceptre that signifies his religious status. This imagery speaks to a shared group identity and a rite of passage to enter the next level. Take care lest you damage your right relationship to the Great Mystery. It may be an indication that they are looking beyond the physical realm and exploring emotional and spiritual depths to this connection. In contrast to the temple seen on The High Priestess card, this one . The word 'Hierophant' itself is derived from the Greek words for 'sacred bearer of knowledge', suggesting inner wisdom has a strong role in this process. The message of this pope-like figure is to seek a conventional, "by the book" or tried and true approach. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. He was the one to set the curriculum for the neophyte's course of study. You may be destined to be a master in your realm. Love and Sexuality is a common part of every human's life. If you asked the cards about your career or finances and pulled the Hierophant upright, you may have a traditional approach (and values) when it comes to your career path or your money. This card can also encourage us to create a strong foundation based on shared values and beliefs, while still having enough room to grow as individuals and as a couple. When it comes to tarot readings, this particular card is most commonly representativeof institutions as well as their core values. He is the keeper of tradition, the director of old ways, and most staunch observant of the status quo. @starrystarrynight. An air of haphazard yet purposeful effuses from the Hierophant in the Future Position. Find a psychic medium near you today, whether youre in New York City, Chicago, Utah, Seattle in the US, or somewhere completely different, you can get the expert guidance you deserve. He holds a papal cross in one hand and gives the sign of benediction in the other. In some cases, this card could represent a company as a whole but more likely a particular male in a father, priest or mentor capacity. The Hierophant in the reversed position can also signify being out of balance. The Hierophant wears three layered robes, one red, one blue and one white. This card means that you know how to solve your problem even though it isn't very easy. And of course, the trinity and the three layers of consciousness are once again implied. The Hierophant card signifies institutions spiritual, financial, governmental and otherwise. The Hierophant Tarot Card Description. hierophant, Greek Hierophants, ("displayer of holy things"), in ancient Greece, chief of the Eleusinian cult, the best-known of the mystery religions of ancient Greece.