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you dont follow without question - you ask why. you may find you isolate yourself from others in tumultuous times. It appears extremely paradoxical as though its a small police box on the outside but in reality its a big sci-fi space and time machine on the inside. Michelangelo created one of the most famous, if not the most famous, nudes of all time - David. IN MY OPINION Aldrin represents a) where you can be seen as important or the best of the best, b) where you may be a pioneer, c) where you have a lot of new evolutionary ideas, and/or d) where you are the second to do something that has never been done before. after this, you may find every ounce of optimism disappear from you - you may have a dark period similar to medusas in which you hurt many people around you purposely or unknowingly. But this was before I knew indicators that astrology isnt set in stone. Aries (Saturn in the 11th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your connections, friendships, hopes and aspirations. it is likely due to a fear of what others think - i feel like asteroids namesake thought she was a monster and was afraid of what she had done to those she turned to stone, and that is the true reason she hid. get a cat lmao. vesta retrograde people feel like they lack a cause to be motivated by or feel they belong to. A good marriage astrologer can even predict the direction & distance from where your future life partner will come. and can u tell me whr could i possibly meet them ? Astrological factors responsible for re marriage or second marriage in astrology. your reputation is likely to revolve around what you preach and share with the world. this could reflect those who medusa worked with in the athenian temple. The Ascendant and Chart Ruler: the ascendant of the chart along with the chart ruler can show how the couple first met or how the relationship began, how others perceive the relationship, and how they initiate things and projects together and react to things. Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. you may struggle with asserting yourself to those around you or those you hold in high regard due to a fear of rejection. In fact, the Astro-Marriage counselling is one of the most sought-after aspects of astrology. Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart. AFFIRMATIONS (you are kind, you are beautiful, you have lovely hair, etc.). There will be issues of money,trust and faithfulness in the married life of the native. negative aspects: your beauty may attract a bad kind of attention that cause you a lot of fear, anxiety, and/or trauma. where santa is for me and how it affects me personally: 8h in scorpio at 17 - lol not the 8h. Scorpio (Saturn in the 4th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons through your home life, personal property, family, maternal connection, stability, and privacy. Becoming a responsible financial figure can feel like a burden at times, having to scrape and be frugal is essential. reach out to someone youve not spoken to in a while. Aldrin was the second man on the moon. you could be determined to prove others wrong about you but end up proving much of the same - she wanted to prove she didnt do anything wrong yet froze a lot of people with her gaze. i suspect that when medusas rage was over, she did feel sorry or pain regarding turning people to stone. practice decluttering for the maximalist and practice gifting yourself something you truly want (NOT WHAT YOU NEED lol) for the minimalist. Exchange of signs between the 7th, 12th and 9th lord also increases the chances of marriage in foreign land. power to them may be or look like something to be destroyed or something that is too over the top, like a dictatorship. 9th house/lord- significator of second marriage in astrology. Originally, Byron found fame glorious but later he did everything in his power to escape which included going into exile. you could find yourself eliminating and acting rather ruthlessly towards people when you get extremely upset. people who dont take care of themselves when they feel bad only drain themselves more in the long run - take care of yourself! Therefore for any prediction about future . you likely are a bit too stuck in your mind to focus on the body language around you. you may be viewed as incredibly charming and graceful. The technique adopted is to. In astrology, it is associated with marriage, your spouse, and what you want in your family life. Here are different positions of Venus and Jupiter that foretell different qualities: Presence in Aries means spouse is predicted to be confident, vibrant, commanding and respectful. you likely are quick to adapt to the situations at hand. i know that the common observation is that the ruler of the 7h is located where you will met. capricorn (10, 22): you share medusas air of seriousness - she was always too focused on the task at hand rather than noticing the room around her. A Mercury Trine Sun synastry suggests mutual understanding, which fosters respect in marriage. Cancer (Saturn in the 8th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life area of transformation, intimacy, power dynamics, soul bonds, taxes, death, debt, other peoples finances and assets. positive aspects: you could have a very muted style used to hide your sexuality, yet still attract a lot of attention. We can say this is a common interface which tells us about astrology. EXAMPLES OF MARRIED COUPLES OF MYTH: a partner represented asteroid (listed above) at a fame/success degree (1, 2, 17, 28, 29), jupiter with venus attributes (ruled by libra or taurus or at those degrees (2, 7, 14, 19, or 26)), jupiter at a fame/success degree (1, 2, 17, 28, 29). Physically, watch for problems with your teeth, knees, and the skeletal system. your asylum may not be as safe as you first perceive it to be. Composite charts are all about the relationship. on the plus side, you likely have piercing eyes just like the famed gorgon herself. creating your own shorthand when writing notes. you *might* experience a rape in which you find yourself with a child. you may become more like your past than you had wished - the family member(s) you always thought you were so different from may now seem rather familiar. Placement of Venus and Rahu in 6th and 11th house gives inter caste marriage. you may find that you too gain a lot of praise and attention when you do things for others or put their needs first. It may be hard for you to feel as if what youre saying has worth and power during this time, and there lays a heavy burden within this, communication in your life and understanding may be lacking from the people closest to you. Posted on: 6 November, 2019 with 2934 Notes. IN MY OPINION Michelangelo in your chart represents a) how artistic you are, b) where you may set the standards for a trend, c) where you see the most reality in a situation, and/or d) where you have the potential to receive fame for something you create or do. positive aspects: you may find security in a feminine group like medusa did at the temple of athena. if we all have equality then we can all just worry about ourselves - like do you ever notice how life gets more difficult when others are trying to control how other people are living? Dr Vinay Bajrangi - Predictions for love marriage by date of birth means considering your birth chart, which has your date, time and place of birth, and planets' position at the time of birth . they may experience a lot of drama with none of the other perks that aphrodite herself gained (attention, romance, etc.). aries (1, 13, 25): you may notice that people are drawn to you energetically. they may feel as though the pace of their life is uncomfortable for them. you may not speak up for yourself all that often - she didnt even try to explain what happened with poseidon to athena. who knew we would be debating my potential wifey status lmfao. Below are the asteroids related to different aspects of your life or talents. IN MY OPINION Schulz in your chart can indicate a) interests in comics, b) artistic ability, and/or c) where you may be consider very influential in your field of choice. i implore you to read the jupiter aspects to see what resonates! my only advice is not to take things so seriously, if you are looking for romance :/ get a book - its definitely not perfect day one of any dating scene. For men, it also signifies his wife. they may feel as though they are alone even when surrounded by others. If you would like to see your natal chart with any of the following minor aspects added, go to astro.com > Free Horoscopes > Extended Chart Selection. Enter in your birth information, and when you arrive to a page where you can select what astrological chart you would like, scroll down to Additional Objects and enter the number of the asteroid you would like in your chart. if you have a question regarding the sign, house, and/or aspects of an asteroid, please just ask the question in the comments. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. Solar Return Reading (I love doing these) $40: -explaining each placement of your solar return like the planets and houses with signs. for the love of the gods PLEASE AVOID ANYTHING THAT MAY RESULT IN AN ER VISIT: no bungee jumping for the first time, tubing, hand gliding, etc. they may not feel pretty or graceful very often as well. Education is the systematic process of giving and receiving knowledge which is meant to enlighten a person in a specific field. i believe that if MERCURY is retrograde, people have a slower manner of speaking or i always find that they need speed to be faster (2x on youtube videos type vibes). medusa was a favorite of her congregation before she was adored by the people. Make sure to not make any risky financial decisions during this time such as gambling. Physically, watch for problems with the kidneys and urinary system. When positively aspected, it supports good communication in a relationship. where lucubratio is for me and how it affects me personally: 6h in virgo at 5 - i definitely would work through a night to be on track with something whether it is to unpack a whole house, write a paper, or whatever goal i have set - i would do it. be careful about who you share your views with. you may find yourself acting in self-defense and siding back into a negative version of yourself. there could be struggles with independence or leadership (i feel like pissing competitions are most common in mars retrogrades). please read the MERCURY section as well because MERCURY is the roman aspect of hermes. you like this gorgon may experience a physical change that you find undeserved. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. You might not have been or be in a relationship with them for long enough to fully see all the dynamics in action. my advice for surviving this retrograde: as a pluto dominant person, i can tell you, change is natural as is death - both are scary but in time things regulate and become still again. you exist on your own timeline, there is no pressuring you into anything, if someone is truly are your friend they wont and shouldnt be pressuring you. at first glance, you may look a bit like someone locked into society - you do what you are supposed to, when you are supposed to, and how you are supposed to. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. i have written about 25 randomly selected asteroids from my interesting asteroids list on my phone that are NOT mythology related and thus have never been mentioned and likely will never be mentioned again. Bill Clinton's Navamsha Chart CLINTON DASHA like internally i know i am pretty but i tend to have off-days where i really dont enjoy myself or how i look (this may be chiron in the 1h or my 12h pluto in the persona chart for this asteroid - its a tough call). Lova is an asteroid with no known origin but is most similar to the word lover. they may experience a lot of delays - usually self-provoked, they may hold themselves back in the area where this planet transits or sits in their chart due to a fear of failure or generalized fears/anxieties. there is likely nasty gossip surrounding your intentions - athena thought medusa was distracting people intentionally and that she lured poseidon into the temple to have sex with him as well. *all of these observations are based on anatal chart- solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely, find yourself truly within. they likely feel as though no one is there when they need someone. you may feel as though no one knows you that well, similar to how medusa had many admirers but none of them knew her. medusa was living a pretty great, stoic life until suddenly everything went sideways. Physically, watch for problems with the sexual organs. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of hannibal AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede hannibal! Love marriage astrology tells you whether you are likely to fall in love, or not, by studying, ascendant, lord of the ascendant, and Venus, and lastly the fifth and the seventh house. Key words: Revolution, reassessing, rebuilding, technology, science, socialism, togetherness, connections, organization, class consciousness, idealism. out for a walk? PLUTO: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around five to six months. a feminine figure in your life may betray you in the worse way possible. exposure therapy. Free Online marriage prediction service gives you the most comprehensive matching and analysis, guide you how you and your marriage life partner stand on each and every parameter. your focus usually aligns with your values - if you are working somewhere where your values dont align, you likely will take over until the workplace aligns. 6h: you may find you are rather particular about your routines. His invasion from the Alps took the Romans by surprise and led to an incredible defeat of Roman troops - this is the combat often referred to as the Battle of Cannae. * Composite AC/Sun in Libra after receiving an influx of questions regarding everyones medusa placements (ask alert: @dddssd, @aryahviolet, @imonehundredpercentgodly) i decide to continue with a post similar to my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post. libra (7, 19): you are likely a people pleaser, and this, of course, makes you captivating. 2h: you likely have a very devoted work life, and, like medusa, it may not be all about the money - you just want to spread awareness and create a haven for those in need. you may find yourself being punished by a higher-up for something someone else did - this causes damage to both your reputation and profession. It could very much be a time to build a family or marry, as marriage is the merging of families here. After you have a good idea of your north node path look to your 10th and 11th house, how you will best be able to make connections and what reputation you can uphold in your sphere. Your soul is being taken into the court room with your higher calling, your time to reassess and heal the wounds and karmic debt is now. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. do a juice cleanse and take your ACV and cranberry pills. my answer: intuition and experience with other peoples charts that i have available to me. The 11th house denotes friendship. You may experience a harder time becoming more intimate with other people, transforming and reassessing your emotional values and connections becomes important. if i have told the myth, i guarantee its on one of them. my aqua persona chart, jupiter leo 11 in 5th house do aspects effect as well ? this gorgon, even post-transformation, went on to recover the wisdom goddesss temple. word may travel quickly about your presence alerting everyone where you are. lol but seriously i cant afford being nostalgic it may kill me emotionally and mentally. VENUS: retrograde occurs roughly every eighteen months for around a month and a half. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of this asteroid feel free to comment them or dm me! This transit can also seem quite mundane, taking you years to understand the importance of the baggage you are being called to bury behind. your temperament could promote ease and stoicism. life would be boring if we all had the same thoughts and beliefs. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: alice (291), marchare (6736), redqueen (17681), and lewiscarrol (6984)! on the flip side, it is okay to leave those who you feel dont make you a better person, who harm you, or alienate you! hiii, what are the indicators of meeting the person you will marry on the solar return chart?. Copied! Marriage Horoscope Predictions let you know, Your prospective life partner Favourable periods for your marriage General nature of your married life Predictions on children Your Doshas affecting marriage Yogas influencing your married life Remedies to Doshas Fill the form below to get Marriage Horoscope Average rating: 4.9 you know your symptoms best! just some facts ive gathered over the last few dayss.. should i do a pt2?? Hii in my neptune persona jupiter in leo 2House, can you tell me places , finding lost things with astrology help, how to predict the cycle of a relationship in astrology using composite charts, how to predict the future of your relationship in astrology, explaining the moon signs; i dont even remember i made this lol, mercury observations: our anxieties & getting through the day, #0012 this is what your pluto experiences loss in, my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post, part 1: primordials, titans, gods, goddesses, & muses, question about natal 1h varuna, negative sun-varuna aspects, and positive mc-varuna aspects. medusa-uranus: you may feel safest when rebelling or activist pledging, alone, practicing the occult, and/or when your curiosity is peaked, but these situations may cause you danger. * Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC Marriage is a long-term relationship between two opposite-sex individuals. but ofcourse that is the extreme of it, -10th house dom people tend to be rlly insecure abt their appearence even if they always look great. When Telemachus shipwrecks on Ogygia (Calypsos island), he meets the nymph, Eucharis. click here for more greek myths & legends regarding primordials, titans, gods, goddesses, and muses, click here for more greek myths & legends regarding heroes, kings, queens, creatures, and creations. these people may also have an issue with blood - heavy periods, irregular periods, fear of blood, anemia, etc. negative aspects: you may attract people who like to use people - this could indicate sexual assault or manipulation. @loonaticpoe they could indicate personality traits! i never hide my not feeling well. thats a lot, right? @amethystmooon leo: amusement parks, england, bombay, government buildings, northern CA, chicago, circus, dance halls, theaters, france, italy, or a stadium. SATURN: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around four to five months. Type Of Spouse/ Partner/Husband Or Wife In Astrology As Per Planets: A loyal Spouse is the desire of every individual on this planet. you may be viewed as different in a very harsh way that causes ostracizing and exile. i implore you to read the venus aspects to see what resonates! He is considered one of the most influential and greatest cartoonist of the era having earned $1.1B USD in his lifetime. All this being said, IN MY OPINION DNA in your chart can be a) telling about your health, b) what you have inherited from your ancestors, c) what diseases you are most at risk for, and/or d) your death. Aquarius (Saturn transiting the 1st house) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life through your world view, self image, and persona. aquarius (11, 23): youd be the medusa that athena had the right to be suspicious over. you may be extremely successful and popular when you change your location. but no seriously its better to ask forgiveness than permission as they say. my advice for surviving this retrograde: tread lightly, as they say, eris retrograde is like walking on thin ice. lol my persona chart for this asteroid has a 8h stellium and a 6h moon at 29 a health discovery that changes my life - sounds about right? think sugar daddy. i implore you to read the venus aspects to see what resonates! This can also make the relationship very individualistic, which can be good or bad. They feel at home with each other, but if that feeling ever leaves, the relationship can crumble apart. @starshinesparkle retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. IN MY OPINION Otzi in a chart can show you a) where your enemies are likely to strike you down, b) where people tend to examine you the most, and/or c) where you cause a lot of speculation. You can essentially read the composite chart like any other astrological chart or like a natal chart for the relationship. However there are certain parts of the composite chart that are seen as very indicative for the relationship.