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Ronnie Anne: *sits on the chair next to Lincoln, lightly rubs his white hair* *thinking* His hair is softer than I thought. We're going to find him. Lincoln: *shocked* What?! I never should have treated my baby brother and favorite sibling like that! The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lily: *smiles, kisses her big brother on the forehead*, Bobby: *Walks into the living room, having just woken up*. Loud family: *teary-eyed, crying of happiness* We love you too, Lincoln. Wayside crossover part 2 Getting new Draco twins, Chapter 33. That day when Lincoln hurt my feelings at school before Bobby broke up with you doesn't even hold a candle to what Lincoln is probably feeling right now! Luna: *teary-eyed of joy* *hugs Lincoln tighter* Oh baby bro! The day bad luck became good luck, Chapter 6. Edit source. I found a picture of this on deviantart. Ronnie Anne: *smiles* Don't mention it, sweetie. Leni: Awww, poor Linky. Luan: *shocked* And it was the name of Baby Lincoln: *now happy, giggling* Luna! During the long drive back to Royal Woods, The kids head into the kitchen for breakfast. Lincoln: Even so, it wasn't right of me to lie like that, instead of just asking for time to myself. Lincoln: *thinking* I guess I only have enough for 1 day. Lucy: *guiltily crying on her bed* *to herself, as well as Edwin* This sorrow it's too much to bear, even for me. Luan: (shakes Lincoln in tears) Lincoln please wake up! . Luna: *gives her baby brother kisses on the cheeks and forehead*, Rita: *comes into the room holding a camera* *takes a picture*. It's okay. *starts crying* After that, I tried going to you, only for you to break up with me, not wanting such a pathetically unlucky person like me as a boyfriend and that even with the suit, no amount of good luck it brings will make you see that I'm nothing more than a sorry excuse of a worthless waste of space, and that picking on me at school to eventually become my girlfriend was the unluckiest mistake you ever made. After reading the note] GUYS! Lily looks up to me a lot. Bobby: *still shocked* Dude.. that's a nightmare I wouldn't even wish on my worst enemy. * *driving Vanzilla, hoping to find Lincoln*, Maria: *glances into the rear-view mirror at Lincoln, feeling bad for what the poor kid's been through and seeing how hesitant he was at first to come back to Royal Woods*, Lincoln: *having fallen asleep against Ronnie's shoulder, mentally drained due to his mixed emotions of returning to Royal Woods, knowing his so called family is there after the way he's been treated, even if he will be with the Santiagos*, Ronnie Anne: *looking at her sleeping boyfriend, feeling awful for the way he was treated by his so called family, knowing she couldn't have done anything about it because she was with her extended family*, Lincoln: *eyes start leaking tears as he sleep, due to having a bad dream of having to relive everything he's been through in the past few weeks, but only this time, he couldn't flee and his close friends even started believing in the superstition*. Forgiving a Loud part 5. pranking the pranker, Chapter 53. Leni: *crying* Oh, Linky! Receptionist: *sees them* How may I help you? Lincoln: *can smell the breakfast* Smells good Mrs. Santiago. However, no one ever calls Sam a pedophile or even hints at her being one, so it is debatable how avoided this trope really is, Lina turns out to have been the result of Sam raping Lincoln in a fit of an alcohol-induced mental breakdown. Lincoln: *having heard Leni, tenses up, clearly not ready for the others finding out about him*. It serves as an explanation for much of Javi's art that involves his OC Lina Loud, specifically the events that led up to her birth. Luna: *her gaze focused outside the window, looking for her little brother*. You should be good until tomorrow morning. Do you want that on your conscious?! Ronnie Anne: Though her food is delicious. The older Lincoln narrates things from there to give you an idea of what happened. They know what they did, so now they can live with it. Receptionist: Our cheapest room? Lincoln: "Eh, before you go, can you at least tell Lily, cause you have the tendency to transfer 'tomfoolery' to someone else.". the credit for the art goes to lol20. Especially since they made him wear that squirrel suit. Lincoln: *smiling, teary-eyed* Oh Lily! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Explore lincoln_loud Most recent Next Lincoln: I think the Milk-shaker is still the newest ride they have, even if it has been running for a little while now, though that ride might be something to go on last, since it tends to make people throw up, especially after they ate something, though it is fun to ride on. (Lincoln gets into Luan's bed and sleeps with her.). [Later on, Lincoln and Luan are in the living room watching TV together. Ronnie Anne: *quietly* Looks like you're about to fall asleep any moment now. Luan: *guilty, depressed* I still can't believe he almost died because of us. chapter 9. Lincoln: *plugs his nose* I know that smell. Configuration Error Reload? Receptionist: *notices his expression* Is something wrong? Sleuth or Consequences Epilogue. Luna: *calming down* I know. Lincoln: *absolute touched by Maria's words, tears forming in his eyes*. Lincoln Loud: Patrick!, Squidward!, Sandy!, Mr. Krabs! Bobby: And that's an understatement. Ronnie Anne: *while surprised, remains strong* Then why didn't you try to stop any of it from happening? Lincoln: *smiles a little from Ronnie's hug*. *tells the receptionist about what happened with his family*, Receptionist: *shocked at what Lincoln said*. It'll be a long drive. Guess we overdid it a bit there. We don't want to scare him off. Ronnie Anne: *still trying to calm Lincoln down* *soothing voice* It's alright Lincoln, I would never do that to you. Lana: *scared* She's gonna kill us! Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lincoln: *sighs* Okay, you got me. Lisa: Logic suggests checking the places that Lincoln likes to go to are a good start of where to look. Lincoln: *cries into Luna's shirt* I felt so scared and lonely in that nightmare Luna: *gently rubs his back, trying to calm him down* *soothing voice* It's okay. Lincoln: *watching in shock at seeing his furniture being moved back in*, Rita and Lynn Sr: *hears Lincoln call out to them*, Rita: Lincoln?! Luan: (tears) Lincoln?! Lincoln: *smiling warmly* I missed you too Lily. Lincoln: *sits on the couch and lets one of the recliners out*, Lily: *falls asleep against Ronnie Anne's shoulder*, Ronnie Anne: *sits down next to Lincoln, making sure not to wake up Lily*. She starts thinking that if people say she is a child molester, it must be true. By not believing him when he confessed to lying about being bad luck? I just wish we could have realized that before it happened. Lincoln: When I tried telling you the truth after lying about being bad luck, not only did you not believe me, you told me to step away from the house. Wake up. Patrick Star: Take It Easy Lincoln, I Was Trying to Make My Mother's Cake. I'll be in a hotel in New York City, in case you want to find me, just don't tell my "family" where I am. I can't even imagine where he is, but I just hope he's safe. Linky?! Lincoln: *sighs in defeat* Fine, but I am still giving tips. Maria: *walking into the room* Roberto, did someth *sees the look on both Ronald's and Roberto's faces and grows concerned* What happened? What we did was unforgivable. I know it can't be easy on you considering what you've gone through, but there's a question you need to truthfully answer for yourself. - I missed you a lot, and Ronnie really missed Lincoln so much while we were visiting our extended family the past couple of weeks. - Hey babe, Ronnie and I were wondering if you and Lincoln wanna go to Dairyland with us. Lincoln: Unless it was for me wearing that suit to give you guys your so called good luck, I felt so unwanted by you guys that I don't even know if I can consider you as my family anymore. History. Maria: No, my daughter is his girlfriend. Maria: So you see, you're a big part of this family and we all care so much about you. After I had gotten to New York and managed to get a hotel room, even if it was for 1 day, I gave Ronnie an update, letting her know where I was staying for the day and that I was safe. Lynn Sr: *sits down next to Rita* No. Lori: *breaks down crying after everything Ronnie had said plus Bobby adding onto it*, Lincoln: *hears Lori crying, which surprises him*. We were the ones at fault, not you. Luna: *getting angry* NONE OF THAT WAS MY CHOICE!!! Luna: Yea dude, compared to yesterday, you're looking a lot better. *places backpack by the bed then hops onto the bed itself* *texts Ronnie Anne to give her an update about him, then, within minutes after sending the text, falls asleep due to the huge amount of emotional stress he's been going through*, Ronnie Anne: *checks her phone and sees a new message from Lincoln*. Lynn Sr: and Rita: *puts the bed frame down to return the hug to their son*, Lincoln: *tears in his eyes, embraces the group hug*. The series is currently ongoing. Submit your writing. *. I'm sure you can get it on the next try. Lily: *horrified, knowing exactly what that means*. The Louds: *flinches at Ronnie's sudden outburst*, Lincoln: *also flinches from Ronnie's sudden outburst*, The Louds: *knowing how Ronnie is, awaits the storm coming to them*, Bobby: *prepares for his sister's rage against the Louds*, Maria: *prepares for her daughter's rage against the Louds*, Lincoln: *realizing that although his so called family deserves Ronnie's rage, tries to calm down his girlfriend before she says or does something she might regret, and also to try not to draw attention to them, surprised that noone has already noticed what's going on yet* *hugs Ronnie tightly*, Ronnie Anne: *surprised by her boyfriend's actions, calms down*. Literature. Maria: *sighs, thinking* This is the 2nd time we passed by their van. Request For Proposals For Auditing Services. Lincoln, the one person in your family, who unlike a lot of you, would actually realize mistakes he's made and tried to make up for it! *turns her head to see her son* *gets tears in her eyes at seeing her baby boy finally home*, Lynn Sr: Lincoln?! Lincoln Loud Alien Hero By Jss2141 On Deviantart - Redeemed control freak lori l. Original Resolution: 768x1024 px . This would go on for all the way until 5th grade, when she finally took notice to you. Lori: *crying into her pillow, guilty of how she helped drive her baby brother away, and very upset at the fact that it effectively cost her her relationship with Bobby*, Leni: *crying into her hands, guilty of how she let her stupidity get the better of her and how it drove her only brother away*. WINKY! Lincoln: *gives a small smile* Thanks, Ronnie. DeviantArt Protect. When Lincoln and Sam start spending more time together, Luna gets paranoid believing something is going on between the two and when she sees the fake photo of the two kissing, she flies into a fit of rage and nearly beats them up only barely being stopped by Mazzey. Shortly after Ronalda was born, I originally wanted to have another child, but my husband at the time was cheating on me behind my back, and when I found out, we got a divorce, so I didn't get the chance to have another child to try to give my 2 children 1 more sibling to bond with. I hate holding this grudge. It's been a while since all of us have been to that amusement park, so it sounds like a wonderful idea. Lincoln & Ronnie Anne: *blush from what Ronnie's mother just said*. Meanwhile, with the Santiagos and Lincoln. Lincoln: I'm guessing you're here to take her back home? Supply Chain/Logistics. Mom, Dad, you are now the worst parents in the universe. *climbs out the window with his bag*. Post a journal. Justice League crossover part 1 Welcome to Gotham, Chapter 43. *goes to where the bathroom is*. Maria: *smiles, seeing that Lincoln is already starting to look like he's in a better mood*. It's (Not) Your Fault is a The Loud House Fan Webcomic created by DeviantArt user JaviSuzumiya. Lincoln: *still crying* If really felt like it to me. so much that I had the worst nightmare I ever had because of it. Lincoln: *surprised* Thanks, but it just wouldn't feel right if I didn't pay for the room. Luna: So, how did Lily spending the night go? Bobby: *sees Lincoln sleeping, quietly* He's still sleeping? Every time I would try to say something to them, they would just let it fly in one ear and out the other. *types on computer* Lincoln Loud. Receptionist: *while waiting for the results of the search to pop up* Are you his family? The Village of La Grange Park requests proposals from qualified firms of certified public accountants to provide auditing services. The main thing that drives me to this conclusion is that after studying my surveillance cameras, it showed our dear brother taking off in the opposite direction of the Santiago abode at precisely 2:36 AM. This is one big hotel. Leni: *trying to stay calm, tears falling down her cheeks* *looks Lincoln in the eyes* With all of my heart, Linky Lincoln: *unable to contain his tears anymore, starts crying into Leni's shirt*. rape Lincoln after getting pissed face drunk and deciding to prove the rumors true. raped by Sam, Lincoln ends up crossing this. I have to wonder about when Lincoln was born. Lynn Sr.: *stops the van, turns around, drives in the direction the Santiago's car went*. I'm so sorry you had to suffer what you've been through, bro. Our Dailyland passes that each of us won from a pageant haven't expired yet. Lincoln: You may not remember this, but remember when the scratch marks were on the squirrel suit? Forgiving a Loud part 4. Squidward Tentacles: I Was Trying to Get Some Beauty Sleep . Like for real this time! By letting him sleep outside instead of letting him in? I don't yet know why, but some of your so called family is here. We're bloody depressed and panicked, and they looked perfectly fine. Gotta make sure those heal properly. It's ok. Bobby: *smiles* I guess you were determined to get me to say that? Lynn: You wouldn't have needed to lie if I never threatened you to come to my game, only to lose, then label you as bad luck. As the only boy, 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. She tends to always make a lot of food. Ronnie Anne: Yeah, no kidding. I love you too much to believe some stupid superstition about you being bad luck your so called family made up. Lincoln: I can't help it. Ronnie Anne: *shocked* *thinking* He didn't go into that much detail describing his nightmare Lincoln: That one time you dragged me camping in that suit, I almost got mauled by a bear. Tell the community what's on your mind. Ronnie Anne: *continues* Lincoln, the one person in your family who loved all of you and often helped you guys out when you needed him! How dare you treat him like he's some sort of object, like he's no longer your brother *glares at the parents* or your son. Maria: Alright kids, I'm gonna head to bed a little early. Lynn: *guilty* Girls, I know how you all feel, but please try to at least eat something before we go looking for your brother later. Or did they decide that after four girls odds are this one was a girl so no need to ask the. Bobby: Lets have a nice fun day together! The first battle of a long war. In the comic, when he gets jealous of Lincoln and Stella's relationship, he sets out for revenge by altering a photo of Lincoln and Sam. Job in Melrose Park - Cook County - IL Illinois - USA , 60161. Maria: *finishes putting on the bandages* You're very lucky those scratches weren't any deeper than what they were. Un planeta que parece estar formado por un solo rio enormemente largo, rodeado por montaas imposibles de cruzar. I just want my little brother back. Lynn: *very guilty, depressed* I'd give anything if I can take back what happened. *plays the recording on his phone, which tells of Lincoln's nightmare*. Lynn Sr: *sighs* Do you girls want me to turn the van around hoping your hunch might be right despite Lisa's explanations or should we keep trying to search for Lincoln ourselves? I had managed to escape with my life, but it did manage to scratch me pretty bad on the back. Lincoln: But I didn't just leave the house, I left the state. Our expertly trained hospitality team has 10+ years experience in the concierge industry, meaning youre in safe hands. We can't have your scratches getting worse. Lincoln: So that's why I'm here, even if I only have enough to stay for 1 day. I own nothing. Ronnie Anne: *sighs* I guess you better tell her the truth. Ronnie Anne: *wipes Lincoln's tears away, concerned* Had a bad dream? Sure, he himself soon became interested in girls, but he still longed to have an actual boy he could really relate with. Rusty, due to his jealousy, fakes a photo of Lincoln and Sam kissing to break up Lincoln and Stella. Chapter 1. Crossover - Sonic the Hedgehog & Justice League - Rated: M - English .