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The sharing of leadership doesnt end there, the group says. Characteristics of such groups include not quickly admitting people into the group and not allowing people to stay if they dont follow group rules. We just found out they are moving in 250 MORE families. But the process doesnt involve screaming or yelling as ex-members claim, they say. But dig a little below the surface, and the idyllic veneer of this place begins to peel and crumble. Allegations to the contrary are actually self-indicting, group members say. They think it must be true.. Man, I sat here for five solid minutes trying to think of anything I missed from those years and I honestly can't think of anything . I read once about a guy who's family was involved in Scientology and his mom finally packed up him and his brother and left their brainwashed dad and took off because they knew they wouldn't be able to leave any other way. Site made in collaboration with CMYK. The Shrinking actor talks mental health, being queer, and why the Lone Star State is the perfect home for his new play Silver Foxes. I sat down with Sandy (not her real name), for whom every day is a struggle coming to terms with what happened to her at Homestead Heritage. It was founded by Blair Adams, a tall, imposing, bearded man, and his wife Regina, who according to one former member, had broken away from a Pentecostal church in Austin a few years before. The motivation behind that attack, members say, is to make Homestead Heritage seem as if it deceptively recruits members, further fitting the mold of a cult. That lady smiling from ear to ear making pottery? Some have nuggets of truth to them, but thats as far as it goes. The Homestead Acts were several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain, typically called a homestead.In all, more than 160 million acres (650 thousand km 2; 250 thousand sq mi) of public land, or nearly 10 percent of the total area of the United States, was given away free to 1.6 million homesteaders; most of the . They've been doing lots of really terrible things, and it's getting worse. Thank you for doing this! He is a bizaare guy, has secret escape routes set up for himself if anything goes south, multiple houses all over the US-he has a ton of money. Homestead Heritage Discover a selection of 500 vacation rentals near Homestead Heritage that are perfect for your trip. Like any non-compulsory group, the only way it can preserve itself is through the power of the gate, Wheeler says. The story served as an introduction to the church to anyone outside Texas. at Homestead Heritage We're open year-round, Monday through Saturday, 9AM to 5PM. There are many different types of stables in use today; the American-style barn, for instance, is a large barn with a door at each end and individual stalls inside or free-standing stables with top and bottom-opening . Was there any special criteria involved with working at the cafe or the various buildings during public hours? Hi! You dont question it., Most members of Homestead Heritage are so closed off from the outside world, ex-members say, that its exceedingly difficult for anyone to alert the authorities if they suspect wrongdoing. So no, no physical threats. Youre not even allowed to talk to girls, and masturbation is forbidden, he said. If the group really had something to hide, Wheeler says, why would it host so many public events? Still, Alexander said, his family was eventually dis-fellowshipped. Christina was a member back then, and she recalls Adams quoting scripture as he went into some detail about what fathers should use to beat their children with; what kind of switches to utilize and what they could be made of. When we were in Sunday meetings, the screaming and yelling and belittling of people was so atrocious, she said. EDIT: What about the people who interacted more with the public? I didnt think about the effect this would have on a child, particularly one who was home-schooled and all he had was his family. One of the other stories is told by a woman who was molested her entire life there. To that end, the group compiled information they say refutes some of the posts on the Internet discussion board and gave it to the Tribune-Herald. The program is a cooperative partnership with Heritage, the Department of Human Services, law enforcement, health and human service providers and others in the community. So I guess the county/city won't let them get away with everything! But we incorrectly reported the timeline that DeLong gave to police. They would fare so much better if they broke free like I did. But because of his knowledge about cults such as the Branch Davidians and his fear that Homestead Heritage, too, might be a cult, he held back from joining for about five years. On occasion they do, members say. The festival is scheduled for April 22, beginning at 4 p.m. at the Andy Griffith Playhouse in Mount Airy, featuring a performance by Jeff and Sheri Easter. That fear can manifest itself in ugly ways, he says, especially in a community like Waco, still living in the shadow of the Branch Davidian tragedy. Whatever the case, Homestead Heritage followers voice concern that the callers prediction seems to have gained traction. Partners must notify. But I'll add that before we left most people who left fell on their faces and posed no risk to them. And when you dont find joy in everyday life, you go looking for pleasure elsewhere, anywhere you can find it. I'm done now! George W. Bush even got them to build his ranch in Crawford. He limped for about two weeks after that. This story was originally published Friday, Feb. 10. My mother and I would go out there sometimes when driving through from Fort Worth between 2007-2010; it never occurred to us that it was a cult. Recently I had some major health issues and ended up at the hospital where I died and had to be revived. I'm not really sure what drew my parents into joining but they come across as a "counterculture" community and my parents were (and still are) very into growing food and animals and living off the land as much as possible. But in those examples, and all of the others given by the group, ironclad proof that ex-members are purposefully lying is elusive. Today, she said, some of the kids of group leaders do online college what she refers to as their cameo students.. Contrary to Elders subsequent assertions, nothing in Homestead Heritages public response, issued in the form of a book, was confessed to a minister, the group says. I think the key word on what members though of visitors would be "judgemental". Consequently, they have begun eyeing any group outside the mainstream. They used to get pissed at me when I would climb the fence to fish this pond. When Bill DeLong gave himself up to officers at the McLennan County Sheriffs office in Waco in June 2004, he was in tears. Under Texas law, ministers and clergy are required to report any suspected child abuse sexual or otherwise to authorities within 48 hours of being told, otherwise they too are committing a criminal offense. Whats so frustrating about those accusations and others like them, members say, is that theyre almost impossible to categorically refute, at least publicly. But rather than report DeLong to police, as required by law, that elder, George Klingensmith, decided to pray about it with him instead, according to both DeLong and Klingensmiths statements to officers. They include such challenges as suicidal tendencies, faltering marriages and family dysfunction. We wondered if something was up, it seemed a little off. This is normal and was accepted in HH (if your condition is considered spiritual or a judgment.). Then came a so-called recovery workshop in April 2005, a forum for ex-members to discuss their experiences. Were they judgmental of them, envious, suspicious? The same is true for exes who claim their childrens schooling suffered because of group responsibilities, members say. Theyd talk about different implements to use that wouldnt leave marks., Once he got too old for beatings, John said he had to endure being berated by the elders for two or three hours at a time. As for the invitation to meet with the broader group, Arnn says he didnt take Owen up on it because he felt it would prove a waste of time. The Texas Observer is known for its fiercely independent, uncompromising work which we are pleased to provide to the public at no charge in this space. It had to be, because they were terrified of being berated by the elders. It was to set the record straight, especially for those outside the group to whom Elder had given his epistle. Does that make them a cult? This was also refused. Now that he is a member, he laughs at how preposterous those fears were, Smith says. 04/06/2021. I love answering good questions that make me think about why I am who I am. Did you encounter anything like that or have someone tell you about that sort of thing? The more hes learned, the more hes been impressed, he says. He got up and walked ou . It was seen as lustful. List of Pennsylvania State Drug Abuse and Treatment Centers WFAAs investigation is believed to have found further evidence of abuse what Shipp describes as compelling personal testimony and physical documentation that Elders of Homestead either knew or should have known that children were being sexually and physically abused within the community., In his entire career, Shipp says hes never had to work so hard to corroborate allegations of an important story. Then only if they decide you can be forgiven can you be forgiven, he said. Please notify us by email that the article will be republished at, Abbott Wants to Deny Undocumented Kids a Public Education, Border Security Is a Financial Black Hole that Will Consume Us All, Two Executions, Many Questions about Mental Health, Innocence, Remembering a Social Justice Lawyer Extraordinaire. So happy you did this, so thanks for taking the time to share and answer questions! He also wrote the reason outsiders were forbidden from attending Sunday church meetings was that theyre reserved for disciplining members in front of the entire congregation. But it took me a lot longer to get past the belief I was going to hell. To Olsons dismay, the article provoked opposition to Homestead Heritage. Heritage School of Woodworking Our Heritage School of Woodworking, located in Central Texas, has successfully taught thousands of aspiring woodworkers over the past 20+ years. Homestead Heritage CULT. I remember Blair walking past where we were sitting and touching my dad on his shoulder, and my dad started trembling and then fell to the floor., After he left, Adam Alexander went to church for a few years but then stopped. Clinton Elder is a perfect example of how ex-members have tried to blame Homestead Heritage rather than deal with personal failure, members say. As the teaser for WFAAs investigation says: Some fear for the children that remain in the community.. The group said those crises and shortcomings help explain the troubled states of mind that spurred some of the accusations. When Roger Olson set out to write an article about Homestead Heritage, he had some reservations. Three members have been convicted of sexually assaulting minors. Nor do we hold any personal animus towards the media personnel involved. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Was your family's safety threatened when you left or was that not a concern? Cafe Homestead serves deliciously healthful food in the unique setting of a traditional craft village in our sustainable, organic farming community in Waco, TX. On the issue of who can be saved, its true Homestead Heritage has three levels of membership, leaders say. He refers to a constitution the group produced in the late 1980s as a secret document meant only for the eyes of candidates for their highest level of membership. Ex-members are making the sensational claim because one characteristic of a cult is having a charismatic leader or group of leaders, members say. She told me she is considering counseling. Somehow we ended up in a scuffle and he took my thumb and started bending it into my arm so I kicked him in the knee and punched him. Its literature stresses simplicity, sustainability, self-sufficiency, cooperation, service and quality craftmanship. If children at Homestead Heritage misbehave, many parents practice corporal punishment. The reason for that is because some of the wording in the constitution might sound apocalyptic to those unfamiliar with Homestead Heritage history, Wheeler says. Besides ex-members, those posting on the site are Watchman Fellowship officials, a few ex-members who defend Homestead Heritage and interested outsiders. Today, with the help of friends, Sandy is recovering in a Texas city away from Homestead Heritage. The first posting about Homestead Heritage went up on April 7, 2005. The truth is the group believes salvation comes through grace and that Christs blood alone cleanses them of sin, members say. However, the group believes it can prove its case in a few instances. Once that frame was built around the group, Arnn could introduce the idea of spiritual abuse. Within a short period of time, the country went from awarding military honors to Jewish soldiers and lauding Jewish scholars to denigrating and destroying them, he says. Three members have been convicted of sexually assaulting minors. Modern culture prizes individual rights beyond all else, so groups such as Homestead Heritage that set different priorities are suspect in the minds of many, he says. After weighing his options and talking over his qualms with Homestead Heritage leaders, Olson decided to go ahead with the article. I believe in God but I dont believe in religion, he told me. . Its forcing people not to be human., Janja Lalich, a sociology professor at California State University and author of two books on recovering from cults and abusive relationships, said sexual repression is one of most powerful ways that a group can exert control. Wheeler and other followers are convinced the driving force behind the attack is Watchman Fellowship researcher Phillip Arnn. More. The two main distortions, members say, are that the group believes salvation comes through works and that it is imparted to only an elite few. But it doesnt believe it is embodied only in a select group of people. Sandy says she informed an elder, but instead of taking the matter to police, she says he dis-fellowshipped the individuals she said committed the crimes and forced her to accept responsibility for her part in what they deemed immoral relationships. The Observer urged Sandy to go to the police to report the individuals responsible. How did you end up leaving/was it hard? More importantly, though, Homestead Heritage wants its beliefs to be imparted in a more personal manner. Its true that violations of the groups patterns can result in discipline, members say. (I realize this could be too specific). Heritage Homestead. He suspects the caller was a member of a New Zealand anti-cult group that he believes has had contact with an ex-member of Homestead Heritage. To back up its claim the document is not secret, Homestead Heritage presented the Tribune-Herald with affidavits from nearly 50 people who say it was read and that copies were distributed during a meeting in Colorado in 1988. Adam Alexander recalls how Adams used to scream and yell at his congregation in church, on one occasion slamming the pulpit and demanding: Never again shall you see my face until you can say: blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord., Professor Janja Lalich said if a leader has convinced his followers that he is a messenger from God, its very hard for people to leave his congregation because their salvation is tied to him. Ironically, it was technology, something the church generally shuns, which would provide the vehicle through which ex-members could finally, publicly, channel their discontent and in many cases, their extreme anger and despair. Of all the interviews I conducted for this story, one was particularly distressing. One of the things I learned after being in there is how you really can interpret the bible to say almost anything you want it to say with enough of a deceitful bias. And that took a very long time. The short teaser on ABCs Dallas affiliate WFAA says its two-part investigation (the first airs tonight at 10pm) exposes the secret lives behind the walls of a seemingly perfect community outside of Waco. Crow said with that mindset, people could lie about anything. In fact, one of their members from the Arizona branch ended up torching her house and burning herself and her kids in it. Because there was no context for the truth that he had.. The family sells its products onsite Wednesday and Friday, at Sunsport. Promotional materials distributed by your outlet, including all social media work, must include cites for the Observer and our reporter. Homestead Heritage claims most criticisms amount to secular attacks on religious freedom, but all of the ex-members the Observer spoke to still consider themselves religious. Some involve matters of ministerial confidentiality. They strictly enforce dress codes (I remember an elder yelling at me for wearing a T-shirt). Add in distortions about customs and claims of abuse and even the most wholesome religious group can be branded a cult, he says. A Dallas news channel and some other statewide and local publications did a few pieces. In the past, its primary focus has fallen on religious movements that many would consider aberrant. At first my mom wasn't going to leave and they were going to have to get a divorce and stuff but luckily she got out as well after a bit. Another charge leveled at the group to make it appear cultic, members say, is that leaders exercise authoritarian control. An attempt to make Homestead Heritage appear clandestine and shadowy is apparent in Arnns first post on FactNet.org, members of the group say. 2021 The Texas Observer. Why would it invite people to ask questions about members faith? The station's veteran investigative journalist Brett Shipp has been working on corroborating and documenting allegations of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children at Waco religious. We raise a few Barred Rocks and Australorps because they are a nice meat-chicken that also happens to lay large brown eggs that are favorites at our house. Waco, United States Contact Suggest edits to improve what we show. I firmly believe that. You can chip in for as little as 99 cents a month. Its a process that never stops. In an email, one elder, Dan Lancaster, wrote of the groups concern that countering in a public media forum a laundry list of sour grapes accusations and distortions would, at best, simply lend credence to a characterization of our community that is misleading. Instead, Lancaster suggested meeting in person to talk completely off the record. The Observer asked for a telephone interview instead. Did you have any personal interaction with the founder at all? A fourth has been charged and will likely soon plead guilty. Thats patently false, members say. It was a cut-and-dried case, he said. In other words if the leaders forgive you, its forgotten, and its like it never happened.. All of a sudden they can really start remembering that this place is hell on earth, Wheeler says. The groups rules may be different or more voluminous than those of other groups, but theyre based on the identity Homestead Heritage has chosen for itself. . The Texas Observer is known for its fiercely independent, uncompromising work which we are pleased to provide to the public at no charge in this space. Whats untrue is that there is some sort of caste system where people must reach the top level to be fully saved, they say. Thats why the articles remain on the Watchman Fellowship site, he said. The Observer found more allegations of sexual abuse of children that have never been reported to the authorities. This is a Christian community of farmers and crafters who offer their beautiful, handmade furniture, soaps, home decor, and products from the foods they grow on the farm such as hand-milled flours, mixes, jams, and .